End of Seven Years
Great Britain gains control of India -
France occupies Algeria -
Sepoy Mutiny
Was a rebellion in India against the rule of the British East India Company -
A movement in painting originated in France, characterized with the visual impression of the movement -
Period: to
Great Britain and France
Great Britain and France conquers land of Africa and Asia -
Barbed Wire
Barbed wire is created by Joseph Glidden -
Telephone is created by Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray -
Light Bulb
Light bulb is created by Thomas Alva Edison -
Period: to
First Boer War
Was a war fought between the UK and Boers of the Transvaal -
Steam Turbine
Steam turbine is created by Charles Parsons -
Berlin Conference
It regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period -
Period: to
Was a predominatly French art movement that developed roughtly from the last Impressionism exhibition to the birth of Fauvism -
Battle of Adwa
Was a war between Etiopia and Italy -
Fashoda Incident
Was an international incident and the climax of imperialist territorial disputes between Great Britain and France in East Africa -
Period: to
Second Boer War
Was a conflict fought between the British Empire and the two Boer Republics over the Empire's influence in Southern Africa -
Electrostatic Motor
Electrostatic motor is created by Andrew Gordon and Benjamin Franklin -
Boxer Rebellion
Was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial and anti-cristian uprising in China -
Airplane is created by Wilbur and Orville Wright -
Zipper is created by Elias Howe -
Toaster is created by Alan MacMasters