2nd Industrial Revolutio Inventions

  • Traffic Lights

    Traffic Lights
    John Peake Knight
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    Aleander Graham Bell
  • Motion Picture Camera

    Motion Picture Camera
    Thomas Edision
  • The light bulb

    The light bulb
    Thomas Edison
  • Metal Detector

     Metal Detector
    Alexander Graham
  • Cash Register

    Cash Register
    James Ritty
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    Hiram Maxim
  • Coca-Cola

    John Pemberton
  • The Electric Trolley

    The Electric Trolley
    Frank Julian Sprague
  • Kodak Camera

    Kodak Camera
    George Eastman
  • Hood Hair Dryer

    Hood Hair Dryer
    Alexander Godefroy
  • Tractor

    John Froehlich
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi
  • Tootsie Rolls

    Tootsie Rolls
    Leo Hirshfield
  • The First Air Conditioner

    The First Air Conditioner
    Willis Haviland Carrier
  • Invention of the Model T

    Invention of the Model T
    Henry Ford
  • Moving Assembly Line

    Moving Assembly Line
    Henry Ford
  • Refridgerator

    Nathaniel B. Wales