Math - Place value to 3 digits
We will be learning place value up to 3 digits in a number. -
Writing - Cursive
We will be working on our cursive writing this semester. The students are required to write at least one paper a week (out of their homework) in cursive handwriting. -
Social Studies - Famous Americans
We will start talking about famous Americans during this month, incorporating writing skills and spelling skills as we will be writing papers about famous Americans We will also be learning how to research. -
Period: to
Second Semester Lesson Plan
Classroom activities are taught around a theme using science, social studies, health, and English topics. Vocabulary, reading, and writing skills are linked together to make learning relevant for the children. A variety of materials will be used including textbooks, books, magazines, and newspapers to encourage and teach listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. All English Standards of Learning Objectives will be taught throughout the entire school year. A spelling book will be used. -
Science - Life Cycle of Plants
We will be learning about plant life cycles this month. We will incorporate lots of charts and be working on our creativity as we draw and color cycles. -
Health - Human Body
We will be learning about the human body this month. We will be using various charts to learn about the way our bodies move and how they work. We will be doing physical exercises throughout the month. -
Spelling Test
This day will include our weekly spelling test of 15 words. -
Math - Geometry
This month we will be learning about shapes and measurements of shapes. -
Writing - Cursive
The students are still working on their cursive writing. At least one paper a week will be written in cursive. -
Social Studies - Ancient China
This is where we will be learning about China's past. We will be learning about characters of the time and the students will write about their favorite ancient Chinese character and why. -
Science - Plant Products
We will be learning this month about the products of plants. Writing and charts will be incorporated, as well as drawing. -
Health - Healthy Decisions
We will be learning about healthy choices we can make as opposed to unhealthy choices. We will learn about the benefits and consequences of healthy choices versus unhealthy choices. At the end of the month, the kids will bring their favorite healthy choice as a snack for the whole class. I will assign days to each student for this. -
Spelling Test
Weekly spelling test of 15 different words per week. -
Math - Fractions and Probability
Class will become familiar with fractions and probability. We will use props for the lessons, connecting fractions and probability with real life situations. -
Writing - Cursive
Class is still working on their cursive writting. -
Social Studies - Civics
Students will be learning about the United States Government and how it works. (No biases will be presented during these lessons.) -
Science - Animal Life Cycles
Students will become familiar with the life cycles of animals by using creativity and drawing to describe the cycles. They will be making charts using technology as well as writting utensils. -
Health - Community Health and Wellness
We will be talking about things we can do as a community to stay healthy and keep our environment clean. This month we will be taking a field trip to put into practice what we have been learning. -
Spelling Test
Weekly spelling test of 15 words per week. -
Math - Measurement
We will be using props to learn about different measurements and how to calculate measurements. -
Writting - Cursive
Students will be wroking on their cursive handwritting. -
Social Studies - Ancient Egypt
Students will be learning about ancient Egypt and what took place during those times. We will be doing research and writting papers on what we find. Depending on the class, we will also perform a small play I put together set in ancient Egypt. -
Science - Matter
We will be learning what things are made out of. We will be performing experiences throughout the month. -
Health - Information Access
Spelling Test
Weekly spelling test of 15 different words. -
This whole month we will be practicing for our TCAPS.