2K History

  • Camera Phone

    2000 was the first time average consumers were able to purchase a phone with a built-in camera making it the most significant invention of 2000.
  • Skype

    2004 was the year Skype started to establish itself as the new, 21st-century form of telecommunication. While it was still somewhat tethered to old-school telephone rules, Skype services were clearly the next step forward.
  • Tesla Roadster

    A car? Yes! The Tesla Roadster being a fully electric hypercar was the most significant invention of 2008. Much time was needed to build such a complex car that essentially uses a computer to run and control the entire vehicle.
  • 3D Printers

    in 2012, Formlabs developed an ultra-precise 3D laser-based printer at a friendlier consumer price point. Now we can all print three-dimensional things for our home.
  • PlayStation VR

    This VR product works with any existing PlayStation 4 console, increasing the intensity of your entertainment experience.
  • 5G internet

    5G operates in the same way as 4G, but uses higher radio frequencies that are less cluttered. This allows for it to carry more information at a much faster rate.