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NATO and Warsaw Pact
NATO_WarsawAfter WWII the United States,Canada, and ten other countries formed an alliance known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO in 1949 so that if any one of those countries were attacked the rest would help. In response to this the Soviet Union formed their own alliance with seven satellites in Eastern Europe known as the Warsaw Pact in 1955. -
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Nuclear Arms Race and Detente
Nuclear-ArmsThe US came out of WWII being the only nuclear power until 1949 when the USSR created some.This started the Nuclear Arms Race when the US and the USSR would keep creating more and more bombs until they started making missiles to shoot down the incoming missiles.They eventually realized that each side would be destroyed. So in 1969 both sides met and decided SALT would limit the nuclear weapons and was signs from 1972-1979. In the 1970's both sides went through detente or relaxation of tension. -
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Chinese Civil War
CivilWarChinaMao lead the communist troops against Jiang who led the nationalist troops and won. Mao had the support of the peasants because the land would be evenly distributed to them and make things better. But then he put in place the Great Leap Forward made peasants make huge efforts to increase farm and industrialization but failed and the products were useless.The counter revolutionaries were beaten, sent to labor camps, jail, and killed. In 1979 US set up a formal diplomatic relations with China. -
Korea Conflict
After WWII Korea was split after Japan's defeat the Soviet and American forces through the 38th parallel of latitude. North Korea's dictator Kim Il Sung was communist sided with Soviet Union while the South dictator non-communist Syngman Rhee sided with US. Sung wanted to unite Korea,sent troops to attack in 1950. United Nations Security Council supported South in Septemper and Mao in China sent troops and pushed UN troops to 38th parallel. In 1953 it ended in stalemate and Korea remained split. -
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Vietnam conflict
vietnamIn 1954 guerrilla lead by HoChiMing claimed their independance from the French.The Western Powers decided Vietnam be split temporarily North,communist HoChiMinh with Soviets, and South,nationalist Ngo Dinh Diem with the US.To stop the north from uniting and spreading communism the US entered the war. August 7,1964 President Johnson sent 500,000 troops to Vietnam.The troops became tired and didnt wish to waste any more lives so Nixon negotiated peace and the North wins and reunites with south. -
Berlin Wall
Berlin being the center focus of the war, was split democraticly. Those in the East were to be Communist while those in the West could have the job, car, and freedom to do what they want. The Berlin wall was built in 1961 to keep the unhappy eastern non-communists from fleeing to the West. The wall was concrete, guarded, and had barbed wire. -
Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis
Castro overthrew the dictator by organizing an armed rebellion with his guerrilla forces and gained a victory in 1959. Castro set out to transform the country through a Cuban Revolution to Communism.Many who disagreed fled to Florida.Kennedy tried to send an invasion in 1961 but failed and US cuban exiles were taken captive.In 1962 USSR sent missiles to Cuba.Kennedy put a naval blockade to prevent further shipments. Both sides came to agreement and stopped from entering into war. -
Soviets in Afganistan
In 1979 Soviets entered a long war with Afganistan. They had tried to modernize the nation but landlords and Muslims felt it went against Islam tradition. So the Warlords took up arms that the American government smuggled for them and Soviets moved in. The Soviets and the Mujahedim,muslim religious warriors, also known as freedom fighters went at it in the Moutains that proved to difficult for the USSR many died. -
Eastern European Independance
Eastern Europeans seeked freedom due to communist rule and revolts broke out from Polan,Hungary,Czechosolvakia, and East Germany.In 1968 Czechs defied the USSR and that lead to an invasion so Hungary quietly introduced reforms and eventually in 1988 USSR allowed freedoms. In 1980 Poland's Lech Walesa organized a solidarity of labor union and won. In East Germany 1,000's fled to the west over the Berlin Wall. 1980 Gorbachev declared he wouldn't intervere with Eastern European reforms. -
Soviet Union Ends
In 1985 Gorbachev came to power and called for glasnot,openess,to talk about problems openly.He made reforms to economy and government but these failed to improve things.In 1989 Eastern Europe broke away from the Soviet Union and the Baltic States became independant. Then in 1991 the USSR republics separate and the Soviet Union ended.