Alaric l, King of the Visigoths, dies at Cosenza, Italy
the Visigoths Sack Rome
St. Benedict of Nursia a monastic life ( 500 ) AD
Justinian l is elected Byzantine emperor
Justinian l begins a series of campaigns to restore the Roman Empire
The Christian church Hagia Sophia is consecrated in Constantinople
Nov 5, 610
Muhammad's prophetic life begins ( 610 )
Nov 5, 731
St. Bede completes the Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Nov 5, 732
Charles " the Hammer " Martel gains victory at the battle of tours
Nov 5, 1095
Pope Urban ll kicks off the first Crusades to the Holy Land
Nov 5, 1429
Joan of Arc leads French to break English siege of Orleans.
Nov 5, 1436
Brunellischi creates the dome of Florence Cathedral
Nov 5, 1448
Henry VII defeats Richard III, ending the War of the Roses and establishing the Tudor dynasty in England.
Nov 5, 1452
Leonardo born in Vinci
Nov 5, 1453
Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire; end of the Hundred Years' War between England and France.
Nov 5, 1455
War of the Roses.
Nov 5, 1475
First book printed in English.
Nov 5, 1492
Columbus discovers the New World.
Nov 12, 1502
The first watch is made.
Nov 12, 1505
The Mona Lisa.
Nov 12, 1509
Europe launches African slave trade with the NewWorld.
Clovis converts to Christianity and is baptized in Reims, France
Lindisfarne Monastery on the northeast coast of England is raided by Vikings
Charlemagne is crowned holy Roman Emperor by the Pope
The Viking, Lvar the Boneless, raids the British Kingdom of Northumbira
Alfred the Great consolidates his power and becomes the king of England
Viking Rollo the Walker invades France and is granted Normandy by Charles ll