After The Fall CM/SD

  • 410

    Alaric l, King of the Visigoths, dies at Cosenza, Italy

  • 410

    the Visigoths Sack Rome

  • 500

    St. Benedict of Nursia a monastic life ( 500 ) AD

  • 527

    Justinian l is elected Byzantine emperor

  • 533

    Justinian l begins a series of campaigns to restore the Roman Empire

  • 537

    The Christian church Hagia Sophia is consecrated in Constantinople

  • Nov 5, 610

    Muhammad's prophetic life begins ( 610 )

  • Nov 5, 731

    St. Bede completes the Ecclesiastical History of the English People

  • Nov 5, 732

    Charles " the Hammer " Martel gains victory at the battle of tours

  • Nov 5, 1095

    Pope Urban ll kicks off the first Crusades to the Holy Land

  • Nov 5, 1429

    Joan of Arc leads French to break English siege of Orleans.

  • Nov 5, 1436

    Brunellischi creates the dome of Florence Cathedral

  • Nov 5, 1448

    Henry VII defeats Richard III, ending the War of the Roses and establishing the Tudor dynasty in England.

  • Nov 5, 1452

    Leonardo born in Vinci

  • Nov 5, 1453

    Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire; end of the Hundred Years' War between England and France.

  • Nov 5, 1455

    War of the Roses.

  • Nov 5, 1475

    First book printed in English.

  • Nov 5, 1492

    Columbus discovers the New World.

  • Nov 12, 1502

    The first watch is made.

  • Nov 12, 1505

    The Mona Lisa.

  • Nov 12, 1509

    Europe launches African slave trade with the NewWorld.

  • Clovis converts to Christianity and is baptized in Reims, France

  • Lindisfarne Monastery on the northeast coast of England is raided by Vikings

  • Charlemagne is crowned holy Roman Emperor by the Pope

  • The Viking, Lvar the Boneless, raids the British Kingdom of Northumbira

  • Alfred the Great consolidates his power and becomes the king of England

  • Viking Rollo the Walker invades France and is granted Normandy by Charles ll
