History 4.2

  • WCTC

    Women's Christian Temperence Union was organinzed.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Act excluded Chinese peopl who were skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese people employed in mining from entering the country for ten years under penalty of imprisonment and deportation.
  • First Electric Sewing Machine

    First Electric Sewing Machine
    The First Electric Sewing Machine was created.
  • Radio

    Thomas Edisonis granted the patent for the radio!
  • The Tractor

    The Tractor
    First four-wheeled tractor.
  • The automobile is introduced to America.

    The automobile is introduced to America.
    Henry Ford made an affordable car for the American public.
  • Henry Ford begins the assembly line

    Henry Ford begins the assembly line
    Henry Ford started the assembly to make assembling cars easier and faster.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Harlem Rebaissance promoted black people
  • Georgia Mayor recieves mail bomb

    Georgia Mayor recieves mail bomb
    Georgia Mayor Thomas W. Hardwick receuved a mail bomb that was opened by the housekeeper. No one was killed but the housekeeper and wife had minor injuries.
  • The NIneteenth Ammendment

    The NIneteenth Ammendment
    The nineteenth was passed giving women the right to vote.
  • Palmer Raids Started

    Palmer Raids Started
    Alexander Palmer urged Woodrow Wilson to investigate in communist and Russian immigrant's activities to ensure safety.
  • Prohibition of Alcohol was put into affect

    Prohibition of Alcohol was put into affect
    The manufacturing, selling, giving, or consumption of alcohol was prohibited.
  • A black community is destroyed by the KKK

    A black community is destroyed by the KKK
    When two black men tried to vote in Ocoee, Florida tried to vote the KKK killed both black and white residents as well as destroying houses and churches.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    This act stated that only immigrants who currently lived in America or were born in America could have jobs and no other immigrants could come to America.
  • William Howard Livens

    William Howard Livens
    William Howard Livens made the first household dishwasher.
  • KKKn Rallies in Worcester

    KKKn Rallies in Worcester
    The largest gathering of the Ku Klux Klan ever held in New England took place at the Agricultural Fairgrounds in Worcester. The KKK had hired more than 400 "husky guards," but after the rally ended near midnight, a riot broke out.
  • Sacco and Venzetti are exicuted.

    Sacco and Venzetti are exicuted.
    Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italians who were accused of the killing of two man at a shoe factory holdup.
  • First Fully Electronic Television demonstrated

    First Fully Electronic Television demonstrated
    The world's first working fully electronic television system, made byPhilo Farnsworth, which had electronic scanning in both the pickup and display devices, was first demonstrated to news media on this day.
  • The 21st Ammendment is passed ending Prohibition

    The 21st Ammendment is passed ending Prohibition
    The 21st ammendment was passed which repealed Prohibition.