Everst climb

  • Jon Krakaurer starts his jorney

    Jon Krakaurer starts his jorney
  • The group reaches 16,200feet at the Lobie

  • Reach base camp.

    Reach base camp.
  • The group with Jon rests at camp 1.

    The group with Jon rests at camp 1.
  • Took helicopter to Luklai.

    Took helicopter to Luklai.
  • Jon finds sherpa and other bodys

  • Jon finds a couple dead bodys at camp.

    Jon finds a couple dead bodys at camp.
  • Dug honsen had a frozen larnexs.

  • Everyone experienceing edema.

    Edema is very bad swelling on legs and feet. Edema is when the your haert ,liver and , kidneys start to shout down.
  • Nawang is very sick.

  • Guide ropes need to be fixedat south col.

    Guide ropes need to be fixedat south col.
  • Nawange gets rushed to a hospital.

    Nawange got off the mountian becuase she was so sick.
  • Destened back to base camp at 20,000 feet.

    Destened back to base camp at 20,000 feet.
  • Left base camp at 4:30am.

  • Scott Fisher's group looks good.

    Scott Fisher's group looks good.
  • Jon separated ribs.

  • Boulders falls on Andy Haris chest.

    Boulders falls on Andy Haris chest.
  • Left camp2 at 21,300ft.

  • Reached camp 3.

  • Chen Nu-Yan slides off cliff and survives

  • Japanese said that they did not see any bodys.

  • All climbers had not slept in 57 hours.

  • A storm hits on the summit and kills 8 people.

    A storm hits on the summit and kills 8 people.
    This storm was the werst storm in all the years of climbe the mountians. The most people in history had been killed. It was the werst.
  • In three days all they had ate is a bowl of ruman noodles and a handfull of peanut m&m's

    That is not much food to eat. Many of people died of starvation. It was very hard on every body.
  • 29,028feet in the troposhere.

  • Very little oxyen.

  • Wind chill- 160 below zero.

  • Hall did not survive the storm.

  • Fisher did not survive the storm.

  • Many people were stranded.

  • Jon stayed on the top for only 5 min.