Nawang lakpa sherpa

mount everest

  • reports of servere weather delay

    reports of servere weather delay
  • the journey began

    the journey began
    They came to katmandu and they started theyre journey at the end of the day they were 900 ft above grond.
  • 9200 ft

  • 1600 feet khumbued glaisure 12 miles along

  • reaached 1600 feet lobake

  • everest base camp

  • resting after passage through ice fall

    resting after passage through ice fall
    They went to this one area that over passage which was all ice fall and very hard to get across. Then they stared to head back to the camp to get some rest afterwards
  • spend night at camp 1

  • team acclimates 21,309ft

    At this point they were at 21,309ft and some people like Nawag stared to loose o2.
  • Nawag gets very sick no oxygen

    Nawag gets very sick no oxygen
    Nawag had no oxgen at the near the top of the mountain. They had to quilky rush him to Katmandu. They got him there so he could recieve medical attetion.
  • guide ropes need to be lifted at south col

  • nawag rushed to katmandu

  • Team stable (o2) nawag 24,000ft

  • Decended back to base camp 2 for a rest

    Decended back to base camp 2 for a rest
  • Fishers crew looking strong

    Fishers crew looking strong
    Ficshers crew was doing ver y well so they were eaisly going to do wel until they all of them started to want to give up and there feet stared to hurt
  • They were almost done