Exploration Everest

  • Reaches Phakding

    Reaches Phakding
    Phakding is a Sherpa village. Climbers can hire Sherpas to guide them up the mountain. Also this is where most climbs start. Helicoptors sometimes take climbers back down from a camp to Phakding.
  • Climb starts

    Climb starts
  • Arive at Khumbu Glaciers

    Arive at Khumbu Glaciers
  • Reach Lobuje

    Reach Lobuje
  • Get news that some Sherpa are available

    Get news that some Sherpa are available
    A sherpa is a native person who helps climbers reach the summit, and are payed to do so. They are highly regarded as elite mountaineers to their people. They follow a religion that thinks that each mountain is a god and that Mount Everest is the god Chomolungma, The Mother Of The World. They make offerings to the gods for good weather, lots of food, etc.
  • Leave Lobuje

    Leave Lobuje
  • Participate in Puja ceremony

    Participate in Puja ceremony
    A Puja ceremony is a ceremony in which the Sherpas do to create safe passage. First they summon a god. Mostly it is the elephant god, the god of safe passage through obsticales. Then they would give the god/goddes offerings of food. They hope that in exchange for the food they would get a safe journey to the summit
  • Reaches Mount Everest Base Camp

    Reaches Mount Everest Base Camp
  • Reaches Camp One

    Reaches Camp One
  • Leave Camp One

    Leave Camp One
  • Reaches Camp Two

    Reaches Camp Two
  • Team has to stop because guide ropes need to be fixed

    Team has to stop because guide ropes need to be fixed
    Guide ropes are esential for climbing. Guide ropes are usually used to pull objects upward. For climbing it would be the climber it is pulling up. Guide ropes use a pulley system to hoist things up through loops pieces that are used to catch the rope if the climber falls so he doesn't fall of the face of the mountain.
  • Nawang rushed down because she is ill

    Nawang rushed down because she is ill
    Nawang got Edema on the way up. Nawang probably got edema from low oxygen levels in the. That led to low oxygen levels in the body and taht water won't be moved so much in the veins. Edema is when water builds up abnormaly in cells. Edema mostly happens in the feet though it can happen almost anywhere.
  • Reach Camp Three

    Reach Camp Three
  • Leave Camp Three

  • Chen Nu Yan goes outside to go to bathroom but falls of Lhotse Face into crevasse 70 below and survives

    Chen Nu Yan goes outside to go to bathroom but falls of Lhotse Face into crevasse 70 below and survives
  • Chen Nu Yan starts to decent the mountain but falls unconcious, medics arive minutes later to find that he is dead

  • Reach summit at 1:12 P.M.

    Reach summit at 1:12 P.M.
  • Climb ends

    Climb ends
  • Kraukauer is 250 feet away from Camp that has oxygen and he has to clear the distance without much at all

  • Kraukauer gets more oxygen while realizing that the weather is getting dangerous

  • Storm hits mountain and 8 die

  • decent starts

  • On decent Kraukauer asks Harris to turn off his oxygen to preserve it but accidentally turns it the wrong way and it is depleted in 10 minutes

  • Reaches Camp 4

  • at 7:30 A.M. Kraukauer finds Namba and Weathers close to death

  • Hall radios in shortly before dieing

  • Leaves South Col

  • Frank and Lao decent to Camp 4

  • Reaches Base Camp

  • Fischer burried above South Col

  • Expedition ends

    Expedition ends
    That year was the deadliest in climbing history. This is based on the percentage of people who went up who died out of the whole number of people who went up. The reason is that 15 people died trying to reach the summit in that season. Many articles have been written about this disaster.
    Primary source