Mount everest

Climbing Everest

  • Jon got the call from Bob Hall to go on the expedition.

    Jon got the call from Bob Hall to go on the expedition.
    He got the call from Bob Hall to go on the expedition.
  • Started Climbing Mount Everest

    Started Climbing Mount Everest
    Paragraph # 1
    On March 31st 1996, Jon and his teamates got dropped of at the bottom of Mount Everst by helicopters. The group then began their climb onto the mountain. It was a very cold day and everyone was scared that they would loose their family's.
  • Loosing air by 4 or 5 P.M about 18 hours after starting to climb, everyone;s gas would be gone.

    Loosing air by 4 or 5 P.M about 18 hours after starting to climb, everyone;s gas would be gone.
    By 4 or 5 P,M about 18 hours after starting to climb, everyone's gas would be gone.
  • They arrived at the lower end of the khunbu glashers there was a 12 mile tounge of ice.

    They arrived at the lower end of the khunbu glashers there was a 12 mile tounge of ice.
    They arrived at the lower end of the Khunbu glashers there was a 12 mile tonge of ice.
  • Tensing falls into 150ft crevass

    Tensing falls into a 150ft crevass.
  • Lobuje

    Paragraph #5
    On April 8th, 1996, Jon had reached the
    Lobuje. There are two different summits, the Lobuje East and the Lobuje West. The Lobuje East is 16,200 ft. and is covered with snow and ice at the top which makes it very hard to climb. The Lobuje east is hardly ever climbed but Jon attempted to climb it. Reached Lobuje 16000 200ft.
  • Puju Ceremony at the Base Camp.

    Puju Ceremony  at the Base Camp.
    Puju Ceremony at Base Camp.
  • Reached camp

    Reached camp
    They reached camp one at 1900 500ft.
  • Moving to the ice fall

    Moving to the ice fall
    Paragraph #3
    On April 12th, 1996, after Jon and his teamates had reached their base camp, they moved to a new location.They moved to the upper lip of the ice fall, which is 2,000 vertical feet above the lower lip of the ice fall.
  • Reached end of Ice Fall

    Reached end of Ice Fall
    They reached end of ice Fall about four hours after setting out.
  • Good health

    Good health
    Everyone was in good health.
  • Overtook a pair of climbers

    Overtook a pair of climbers
    Jon and his group overtook a pair of slower climbers outfitted with unorthodox clothing and gear.
  • Nawang sick wiht edena

    Nawang sick with edena.
  • Guide ropes needed to be fixed on South Col.

    Guide ropes needed to be fixed on South Col.
    Guide ropes needed to be fixed on South Col.
  • Nawang rushed down the mountain

    WikipediaNawang rushed down the mountain to South Col.
  • Reached camp three got OZ-24,000ft.

    Reached camp three got OZ-24,000ft.
    Team reached campot three, got OZ- 24,000ft.
  • Decended to Base camp to recoup there strength for the summit push.

    Decended to Base camp to recoup there strength for the summit push.
    The hole team desended to Base camp to recoup there strength for the summit push.
  • Chen Yu Nan fell down the Lhotse Face

    At 7:30 A.M as Jon was getting ready to leave to camp four a 36-year old from Taipei named Chen Yu Nan crawled out of his tent and lost footing on slick ice and went hurtling down the Lhotse Face.
  • Reached balcony

    Reached balcony
    Reached balcony at 5:30
  • Walking to summit had not sleeped for 57 hours.

    Walking to summit had not sleeped for 57 hours.
    Walking to Summit had not sleeped for 57 hours.
  • Reached the Summit

    Reached the Summit
    Before 2:30 P.M he reached the summit.
  • Jon on the roof of the world

    Jon on the roof of the world
    Jon read his watch which said 1:17 P.M he spent less then 5 minutes on the roof of the world.
  • Made it down South Summit

    Made it down South Summit
    3:40 he Jon made it down to the South Summit.
  • Blizzard hit

    Blizzard hit
    Paragraph #2
    On May 10th, 1996, a huge blizzard hit at 5:00 P.M and killed many climbers. Ten people were killed from this blizzard and 5 were Jon's teamates. Everyone was rushed down the mountain because of this horrible storm.
  • Found out at 5:00 that 11 people died and 5 were Jons teamates.

    A little after 5:00 Jon found out that 11 people died and 5 were Jons teamates.
  • Reached the broad rolling expanse of the South Col around 8:00 p.m but by then it was pitch black and the storm became stronger.

    Jon and his teamates reached the broad, rolling expanse of the South Col around 8:00 P.M but by then it was pitch black and the storm became stronger.
  • Boukreev had returned to camp four at 4:30 p.m before the brunt of the storm having to be rushes down the mountain.

    Boukreev had returned  to camp four at 4:30 p.m before the brunt of the storm having to be rushes down the mountain.
    Boukreev had returned to camp four at 4:30 P.M before the brunt of the storm having to be rushed down the summit.
  • Hillary step

    Hillary step
    Paragraph #4
    On May 10th, 1996, after 15 minutes of dangerous shuffling over a 7,000 foot abyss, Jon arrived at the notorious Hillary Step. The Hiliary Step is a verticle rock face (height is around 40ft) high on Mount Everest. It is located 28,840 ft. above sea level. It is also halfway between the South Summit and the Summit.
  • Andy Harris fell off cliff.

    6 A.M they relized that Andy Harris the guy from New Zealand fell off a 4000ft cliff.
  • Going down Mount Everest

    Going down Mount Everest
    Jon and his teamates were heading down Mount Everest and many people were killed because of the Blizzard.
  • Fishers frozen body

    7:00 P.M Jon found Fishers frozen body.
  • Stranded on Everest

    Scout Fisher and Rob Hall stranded on Everest.
  • Found out who died

    11 people died out of 26 and 5 were Jons teamates.
  • Rob Hall calls his wife and says sleep well my love nothing bad will happen.

    Primary Source:
    Rob Hall calls his wife and says sleep well my love nothing bad will happen.
  • Reached Bottom

    Reached Bottom
    Jon reached the bottom of Mount Everest.
  • Memorial Survice

    On May 14th 1996 the climbers had a memorial survice for everyone who had died from the blizzard or on the expedition.
  • Fisher was buried

    Fisher was buried above the South Col as the team regroups.
  • Headed home

    Jon headed home.