Climbing Mt. Everest

  • base camp infromation was recived

  • reports of severe weather on trip

  • worked out their final details for the trip

  • everest team lands in Kathmandu

  • the long journey begins

     the long journey begins
    Some people climb mt. Everest because they are very deprested and thats the only wht they can get over it. They need to be in such a harsh condition to relise what they really have isn't that bad, Others do it becauase it's mans personal struggle to achieve such great things. As long as Mt. Everest and mankind are both here there will always be the struggle and erge to keep climbing it.
  • arrived at lower end of Khumbu glacier

    arrived at lower end of Khumbu glacier
  • Tensing falls into 150 ft. creeves

  • reached Lobuje, 16,200ft.

    reached Lobuje, 16,200ft.
  • Paju Ceromony at Base camp

  • reached 17,600 ft.

  • a quote

    "But now that I was finally here, standing on the summit of Mount Everest , I just couldn't summon the energy to care. " Jon Krakauer
  • at base camp and everyones in good health

    at base camp and everyones in good health
  • reached end of Ioe Fall after 4hrs.

  • reached camp , 19,500 ft.

    reached camp , 19,500 ft.
  • team reached camp 2 to climate

    team reached camp 2 to climate
  • Nowang is sick with edema

    Edima is swelling caused by fluid trapoed in your bodies tissues. It is most noticable in your feet, hands, arms, ankles, and legs. It can be caused by an effect of the medicing your taking or if you are pregnate. Identifying it and treating it is key to effectively controlling it. Self-care measures and with medicine that removes excess fluied usually can effectivly treat edema.
  • Guide ropes need to be fixed on south col

    Guide ropes need to be fixed on south col
  • Nowang is rushed down the moutain to Kathmandu

    Nowang is rushed down the moutain to Kathmandu
    KathmanduKathmandu is the largest city and capital of Nepal and the namesake of the Kathmandu Valley. Nepali is the common language of the city, though many speak Newari as it is the center of the Newar people and culture. English is understood by all of the educated population of the city. The city stands at an elevation of approximately 1400 m. This is why it would be good for her to be down there, It would be big enough to have enough tecnology to help her become better and not be ill anymore.
  • team reaches camp 3, all get oxygen, 24,000 ft.

    team reaches camp 3, all get oxygen, 24,000 ft.
    As teams get higher they need oxygen to survive. They need it to survive or most do because as you get higger and higger up the air gets thinner. As the climbers keep going up the mountain the altitude gets higher therfore it's harder to breath so they need oxygen.There is oxygen there, just less parts per millio. Where they climb it's called the death zone.
  • team left camp 2 and started up Lhotse face

    team left camp 2 and started up Lhotse face
  • team left camp 2 21,300 ft.

  • Chen Yu-nah slipped at 7:30 am

  • assending to 4th base camp

  • 5:30 am reached the balcony

    5:30 am reached the balcony
  • 7:30 am 36 yr. old hunderstorm Lhost Face

  • the whole crew started that morning

  • hadn't slept in 56 hours

  • nasty storm happend, 8 died

    nasty storm happend, 8 died
  • 2:30 pm made it down to the South summit

    2:30 pm made it down to the South summit
  • andy Harris from New Zeland fell down a cliff at 6am

  • 7:30 am Kraukaur finds Namba and meathers close to death

  • descend to base camp 2 to rest

  • Fisher was burried above the South Col as the team regroups

    South Col is between Mt. Everest and Lhoste. When climbers attempt to climb Everest from the southeast ridge in Nepal, their final camp is situated on South Col.The South Col is typically ravaged by high winds, leaving it free of significant snow accumulation.
  • team's new leader Niel Beidelman peices the disaster together

    team's new leader Niel Beidelman peices the disaster together