Human History

  • 400

    Hopewell Culture Flourishes

  • Oct 21, 650

    Bow and arrow, flint hoes, and northern flint corn in the Northeast

  • Oct 21, 775

    Hohokam Culture Flourishes

  • Oct 21, 1000

    Tobacco in use throughout North America

  • Oct 21, 1142

    Founding of Haudenosaunee Confederacy

  • Oct 21, 1150

    Founding of Hopi village of Oraibi

    (Oldest Occupied Town in North America)
  • Oct 21, 1200

    High point of Mississippian and Anasazi Cultures

  • Oct 21, 1276

    Sever drought begins in the Southwest

  • Oct 21, 1300

    Arrival of Athapascans in the Southwest

  • Oct 21, 1347

    Black Death in Europe

  • Oct 21, 1381

    English Peasent's Revolt

  • Oct 22, 1441

    African Slaves first brought to Portugal

  • Oct 21, 1488

    Bartolomen Dias sails around the African Continent

  • Oct 21, 1492

    Christopher Columbus first arrives in the caribbean

  • Oct 21, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

  • Oct 21, 1500

    High point of Renaissance

  • Oct 21, 1508

    Spanish Invade Puerto Rico

  • Oct 21, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon lands in Florida

  • Oct 21, 1514

    Bartolome de las Casas beging preaching against conquest of Native Americans

  • Oct 21, 1516

    Smallpox introduced to the New World

  • Oct 21, 1517

    Martin Luther breaks with Roman Catholic Church

  • Oct 21, 1519

    Hernan Cortes' lands in Mexico

  • Oct 21, 1534

    Jacques Cartier first explores St. Lawrence River

  • Oct 21, 1539

    Expeditions of:

    -Hernan de Soto
    -Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
  • Oct 21, 1550

    Tobacco Introduced to Europe

  • Oct 21, 1552

    Bartolome de las Casas' Destruction of the Indies published

  • Oct 21, 1558

    Elizabeth I of England begins her reign

  • Oct 22, 1562

    Huguenot colony planted along the Mid-Atlantic Coast

  • Oct 22, 1565

    St. Augustine Founded

  • Humphrey Gilbert attempts to plant a colony in Newfoundland

  • Walter Raleigh's colony on Roanoke Island

  • Englishdefeat the Spanish Armada

  • John White returns to find Roanoke Colony abandoned

  • Juan de Onate leads Spanish into New Mexico

  • English Found Jamestown

  • French Found Quebec

  • Spanish Found Santa Fe

  • First Africans brought to Virginia

  • Pilgrim Emigration

  • Indian uprising in Virginia

  • Jesuit Missionaries arrive in New France

  • Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay

  • Pequot War

  • Charles I Executed

  • English seize Jamaca

  • Stuart Monarchy restored, Charles II becomes King

  • Virginia law makes slavery hereditary

  • Royal African company organized

  • King Philip's War/Bacon's Rebellion

  • Pueblo Revolt

  • Robert Sieur de la Salle explores the Mississippi

  • The Glorious Revolution

  • King William's War

  • Virginia prohibits interracial sexual contact

  • Spanish re-conquest of pueblos compleated

  • Britain opens the slave trade to all its merchants

  • Spanish declare Florida a refuge for escaped slaves

  • English impose royal government on all colonies

    ...Except Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania
  • South Carolinians burn St. Augustine

  • Virginia Slave Code established

  • French and Spanish navies bombard Charlestown

  • English capture Port Royal in Acadia

  • Slave uprising in New York City

  • Peace of Utrecht

  • Robert Walpole leads British Cabinet

  • Natchez Rebellion in French Louisiana

  • Stono Rebellion in South Carolina

  • War of Jenkins Ear begins

  • Africans executed in New York for conspiracy

  • King Georges War begins

  • Importation of Slaves into the United States ends