Womens sufferage

Women's Suffrage

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    First Womens rights convention, where the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions was signed.
  • First National Convention

    First National Convention
    The First National Women's Rights Convention was held in Worcester, Massachusetts
  • New England Woman Suffrage Assocation

    New England Woman Suffrage Assocation
    New England Woman Suffrage Assocaition was focusing on Women's Suffrage
  • Wyoming

    Wyoming territory passes women the right to vote
  • Susan B. Anthony tried for illegally voting

    Susan B. Anthony tried for illegally voting
    Susan B. Anthony was tried for illegally voting
  • Women's March

    Women's March
    Women marched on Fifth Avenue in New York City, demanding the right to vote
  • Women's Suffrage Act

    Women's Suffrage Act
    The Womens suffrage Act was presented to the Senate
  • Women given the right to vote!!!!

    Women given the right to vote!!!!
    19th Amenedment is passed, granting women the right to vote!