Steam Engine Created
Thomas Savery invents the first steam engine. -
Isaac Newton & His Electric Generator
Sir Isaac Newton strategically builds an electric generator with rotating glass spheres -
First Touch Of Electricity
Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity by using a kite and a key during a thunderstorm. -
Internal Combustion Engine
French-Born, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot built what was known as the first automobile with an internal combustion engine. -
Steamboat Invention
William Symington, a British engineer invents the steamboat. -
The 1st Water Turbine Power Plant in NY
James Bicneno Francis invented first water turbine -
First Electric Light Created
Thomas Edison invent what is known as the first incandescent light bulb. -
Nuclear Fission Discovered
1st Silicon Solar Cell Invented
The development of solar cell technology would not have been possible without the research of French physicist Edmund Becquerel. In 1839 -
1st Nuclear Reactor Operation in Windscale, England
Windscale, England encountered one of the worst nuclear accident in Great Britain's history