Apr 22, 1500
Brazil is discovered by Pedro Alvares Cabral (1460-1526)
A Portuguese exploreer claims Brazi as Portuguese territory.
Trade posts are set up, and trade revolves mostly around sugar cane and red dye from Brasil wood.
Inhabitants are migrants from North Asia (Siberia), who crossed the Bering Land Bridge at the end of the Ice Age, 9000 BC.
Brazil had as many as 2,000 nations and tribes, 3 million Amerindians, and 188 living indigenous languages with 155,000 total speakers -
Jan 1, 1540
1st Governor is Appointed
1st Governor of Brazil is appointed in the Brazilian province of Rio de la Plata- this was a Spanish conquistador named Cabeza de Vaca.
Portuguese colonists began an economy based on the production of agricultural goods that were exported to Europe. Sugar was the most important Brazilian product
until the early 18th century when the Dutch and the French started producing sugar in the Antilles, located much closer to Europe, causing sugar prices to fall. -
Oct 20, 1550
Slavery Begins
African slaves are shipped in to work in the sugar cane fields -
Dutch take over Salvador
The Dutch conquered Salvador and claim Brazil as their land -
Holland sells Brazil to Portugal
Brazil is sold to Portugal for 8 million guilders after the Brazilian general, Henrique Dias, won a decisive battle against the Dutch back in 1636. -
Gold is found
Mining begins by Portuguese explores, who began to use to the gold and diamonds to support their expeditions and luxurious lifestyle in Portugal, opposed to investing in Brazil. They then set taxes for Brazil! -
Capital is changed to Rio de Janeiro
The former capitol was Salvador, which the Dutch had conquered previously in 1624 -
1st rebellion to free Brazil
Joaquim Jose de Silva Xavier launches the first Brazilian rebellion against Portugal, but he fails and is hung by the Portuguese in 1792 -
Napoleon overthrows King of Spain
This allows opportunity for Brazil -
Brazil declares Independence from Portugal/Monarchy begins
Pedro I begins to rule Brazil, and i is the beginnning of a monarchy -
Darwin comes to Rio
Charles Darwin ventures through Brazil- ??? -
Slavery abolished/Immigration begins
4 million slaves are freed and there is a large influx of immigration from Europe over the next 10 years -
Monarchy overthrown and Republic is established
A Federal republic is established- with central government controlled by coffee investment -
Brazil produces 65% of world's coffee
Export begins as a trade to generate GDP -
Revolt, Vargas is head of provisional revolutionary government
Revolt happens because... -
Statue of Christ the Redeemer is unveiled
This statue was built to celebrate 100 years of independence for Brazil. The statue also supports their faith in Christ. -
Economy in Authoritarian State Control
Vargas rules as dictator with military back-up. Authoritarian state of control for the economy begins the social welfare revolution and reform of laws governing industry.
Brazil is a political and economic leader in Latin America. However, social and economic problems prevent it from becoming an effective global power. -
WWII Brazil is "neutral"
but joins Allies in 1943 (1939-1945) -
New Constitution
Elections are held and a new constitution returns power to the states. Vargas ousted in military coup. Elections held under caretaker government.
Between World War II and 1990, both democratic and military governments sought to expand Brazil's influence in the world by pursuing a state-led industrial policy and an independent foreign policy -
Vargas commits suicide
He was elected president-
Brazilian foreign policy has generally reflected multilateralism, peaceful dispute settlement, and nonintervention in the affairs of other countries.
The Brazilian Constitution also determines the country shall seek the economic, political, social and cultural integration of the nations of Latin America
BUT Vargas faced a stiff opposition, and was given the option to either resign or be overthrown! -
Kubitschek is President, Brazil's economy rapidly evolves
Strengthen ties with other South American countries, engage in multilateral diplomacy through the United Nations and the Organization of American States. Brazil's current foreign policy is based on the country's position as a regional power
in Latin America, a leader among developing countries, and an emerging world power.
The capital city to moved to Brasilia, and the country is doing well until a new President resigns and plunges the country into a constitutional crisis -
Goulart (VP who took over) is exhiled by military
Military rule is associates with repression and with rapid economic growth on the basis of state-ownership -
General Ernesto Geisel is PRESIDENT
Military president leads to reform, which does not allow for any elecions or political activity of any sort -
Brazil STOPS paying foreighn debt
which is one of the biggest! in the world! -
1st presidential election in 21 years
Neves is elected President, but under a military-based electoral college. He falls ill, where his Vice, Sarney, takes over and becomes president during the economic crisis. -
Sarney freezes prices to reduce inflation
This worked until the prices were un-frozen, and the inflation exploded, which caused a lot of problems in the economy -
New Constitution
Presidential Powers are reduced -
Collor de Mello elected president
Introduces dramatic economic reform but fails to materialize and inflation remains out of control. Foreign debt payments are suspended. President resigns after being accused of corruption. -
Cardoso reduces inflation and is elected president
Begins to seize land and distribute it to the poor, allows land claims to be changed, and pledges to tackle slavery in Brazil. He abolishes development projects in the Amazon that were too expensive and also investes in infrastrcture for the country -
Protest occupying Cardoso's ranch
The Landless workers movement takes over the ranch of Cardoso because they demand reform of land! -
Lula elected President/currency all-time low
Reformed Brazil's pension system, which operated under an annual $20 billion deficit ( massive strikes opposing reforms)
Although public debt and inflation remained a problem, Brazil's economy showed signs of growth and unemployment was down.
He combined his conservative fiscal policies with ambitious antipoverty programs, raising the country's minimum wage by 25%
His social welfare program pulled 36 million people (20% of the population) out of deep debt -
Lula re-elected
President addresses issues such as human rights, foot and mouth disease (beef exports from Brazil are stopped by the EU), does not legalise abortion, runs a campaign to get guns off the street, anti-corruption acts, etc
Discovered a new oil field = natural resources
Invested $12 million with France on defense of the Amazon to reduce deforedtation (which has increased 228% since 2007) -
Brazil invests $10 billion to International Monetary Fund
Wants to help improve the credit of other coutries. Brazil finally comes to agreement with Paraguay to end their dispte over energy- Brazil will triple its pay to Paraguay for excess energy usage.