history of computer games

By anneka
  • The Galaxy Game

    The Galaxy Game
    it was earliest coin-op arcade game at Stanford University.Only one unit was built at first, but more were later so u could included several consoles so u could play with other people.It cost £20,000 per unit.
  • Magnavox Odyssey,

    Magnavox Odyssey,
    First gen:It was the world first home game console.it was a pong style of game before the Atari ping-pong game.It cost $100 back in 1972.
  • Atari 2600.

    Atari 2600.
    Second Gen;Atair 2600 was the first game console to use cartridges that held game code.when i released it came with Combat then later with Pacman.
  • Game and watch

    Game and watch
    they were a line of handheld games made by nintendo.Each Game and watch was just a single game played on a LCD screen.There were only 60 games made including Mairo Bro's Donkey kong and The Legend of Zelda. +
  • Pac-Man

    Thia was an arcade game.Pac-Man succeeded by creating a new genre and appealing to both boys and girls.it is the most famous arcade games of all time.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Third gen:this was an 8-bit cartridge game console. It was the best-selling gaming console of it time.
  • Sega Master System.

    Sega Master System.
    Third Gen;This was an 8-bit cartridge game console.Games included Alex kidd and sonic .
  • Atari Lynx

    Atari Lynx
    this was the first ever colour handheld game console.With it very high price and short battery life it didnt do very well despist being in colour.
  • Tetris

    THis game came witf the GameBoy.In the game u had to make up line wit different shaped blocks.Sold over 35 million copies worldwide.
  • nintendo Game Boy

    nintendo Game Boy
    This was an 8-bit handheld game console.Was nintendo second handheld console the first was game and watch.It was the first handheld that uesd cartridges.when when relesed it came with tetris.
  • sega maga drive

    sega maga drive
    forth gen: this was an 16-bit game console.This was saega biggest seller,over 29 million units sold.
  • Sega Game Gear

    Sega Game Gear
    this was the third colour game console to hit the market.the was a portable virison of the master system. it came with seven in-built games including Columns it was just like Tetris you could also play sonic.Batteries lasted longer on the gamegear then the lynx.
  • sonic the hedgehog.

    sonic the hedgehog.
    was first seen on the sega master system but the 16-bit game was better and made the mega drive the best selling game console of it era.
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    Forth gen;This was a 16 bit game console made by nintendo.This was nintendos second home console it became the best seliing console of the 16-bit era. It cost £150 when it came out.
  • Sony Playstation

    Sony Playstation
    Fith gen;this was a 32-bit console.The playstation and PS sold 102.49 million units,it was the first console to sell over 100 million units this used CD'S. games included final fantasy metal gear solidand resident evil. this also came with a memory card to save games.

    This was a 64-bit console.This used cartridges. When sold it came with2 launch games super mario 64 and pilotwings 64.It sold 32.93 million units worldwide.
  • WonderSwan

    sixth gen:This was another colour handheld game console, it could be played vertically and horizontally,Came in ten colours
  • Sony Playstation 2

    Sony Playstation 2
    sixth gen;this is the best seling console to date having sold over 138 million units in augest 2009.In 2004 sony released thePS2 slim and Sony released loads of accessories like the eye toy, DualShock 2 controller and dance pads.
  • Microsoft X-box

    Microsoft X-box
    Sixth gen;This was microsoft first game console,sold 22 million units. The game that came with its lauch was helo Combat Evolved and when helo 2 was released it was the best-selling first-generation Xbox game. This also had online gaming service called xbox live.
  • Nintendo Game Cube

    Nintendo Game Cube
    This was nintendo first console to used 8 cm optical discs.It could also gone online and could connet to the Game Boy Advance.When it was launch there was 12 games to chose from.
  • Nokia N Gage

    Nokia N Gage
    This was a mobile phone and came console by Nokia.It was not sucessful because the buttons, designed for a phone, were not well-suited for gaming. It only sold 3 million units. iI also suffered the white screen of death because main memory was over-used.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    This was a dual-screen game concole,The bottom screen is a touch screen.To use the touch screen you could use a stylus.It a clamshell design.It had a microphone and wi-fi.It was released on 11 march 2004.It sold 111.87 million units.On march 2nd 2006 nintendo brought out the ds lite it was thinner and the screen were brighter.
  • Sony PSP

    Sony PSP
    This was the first hand held to use Universal Media Disc (UMD), it had multimedia capabilities like internet and had some good computing power.it had sold 55.91 million units.it was also "the most successful non-Nintendo handheld game system ever sold".
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    this was microsoft second console.this had integrated Xbox Live service that allows players to play online and download content such as arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movies.it came with both wired and wireless controllers but soon u wont need controllers due to the Project Natal it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 with spoken commands,gestures and objects and images.
  • Sony Playstation 3

    Sony Playstation 3
    This is a seventh gen console.This has free online gaming for players also has the playstation network where you can download game add-ons demo and viedos.The game are on high-definition optical disc Blu-ray Disc,Thereis also am online virtual community called Home.You can also connect a psp to for remote play.it has sold 24.6 milloin units .
  • Wii

    this is a seventh gen console the key features of this console was the wii remote witch could track the was a player was using the wii remote it also came with a nunchuk.it can also play the 8cm game cube disks.it can also go online and it has load of channels to download like the weather channel. there is also now the wii bored it came wit the wii fit.
  • DSi

    this is nintendos third handheld comsole it have 2 cameras and sd slot,it also has its own dsi shop channel.it has 6.60 million units in 2 months.
  • PSPgo

    this doesnt use umd it now just uses memeory