Jan 1, 1400
Roman Republic 519-415 b.c
roman republic in fluenced our government this way:
-republicanism:the belief that the governent should be based on the consent of the people
-cincinnatus:he inspired common welfare/civic virtue to our nation
-common welfare/civic virtue:for the common good of his country -
John Locke
-social compact:to make an agreement with the government
-natural rights:rights that you were born with that the governmtent cant take away
-state of nature:the citizens give up their rights to be protected by the government
- john Locke said the government should not have absolute powers
- he fluenced our government because he came up with the
idea of state of nature and natural rights
-limited government:the governments powers i limited -
-french philosoper
-came up with seperated but balanced powers
-he thought that the best republican forms of government had two parts:
1:poweres shoulds be saperated
2: powers should be balanced
-republicanism:the belief that the government should be based on the consent of the people -
Probelms with theActicles of Confederation
pprobelms were:
-lack of power
-lack to levy taxs
-lacked power to regulate trade among the states
-rewuired all the 13 states to approve changes in the Articles -
Articles of Confederation
-a document ,adopted by the Continental Congress in1777 and finally approved by the states in 1781, that outlined the form of government of the United States
-powers were divided between the states and congress these powers were:
-powers to congress:
-make money
-sign treaties
-make war/peace
-make laws
-powers to the states:
-enforce laws
-the states had the most power, between the two -
phildelphia /consitutional convention
philadelphia convention-this is where they wrote the constitution, The delegates decided to replace/change the Articles with a document that strengthened the fed. government.
consitution- a written statement outlining the basic laws or principles by which a country follows. -
-was made up of three branches these were:
-1. the legeslative branch;makes the laws:
b. house of representives
together they are the congress
-2.executive branch;the branch that inforces the laws:
b. vice president
-3.judical branch;the branch that interperts the laws:
a. judges:justices
b.court:supreme court -
Raitifcation Process
-two politcal partie argued over if they should appove the constitution or not they were:
-the fedralists;they agreed with the constitution: james madison, john jay and alexander hamilton they were the people who wrote the federalists papers to convince the people to amend the consitution,
-the anti-federalists;were the people who apposed the consitution:george mason, and patrick henry were representing the anti-fed.s
-in a result to this the congress agreed to add the bill of rights -
Constitutional Government of the U.S.
-Is the limit of government. The contitutuion is the limit . the government cant over rid it. It's the same thing as higher law.
-higher law: It's the law the government cant over rid witch is the contitution. -
washington's presidency
he was our first actual presidnet to run the untied states of america!
-waashington appionted his cabnet
-a.advisers to help the president
-b.helped run executive brench
-probelms concerning
-2.hamilton's 3 part plan
-3.pay debt
-4.create natioinal bank -
foreign issues
1.freanch and english war
a.french revolution
b.french and england go to war
2.staying neutral
a.england seizes american trade ships in france
b.jay's treaty
3.navigation of the mississippi river
a.pinkney's treaty -
arguments over consitutional interpertation
did not have a specific date so dont look at that
1.hamilton's veiw
a.believed in "loose" interpartation of the consitution
b.allowed congress a lot of power to run the government
c.believed in a strong national government
2.jefferson's veiw
a.believed in tight or "strict" interpretation of the consitution
b.believed in a "weaker"national government and a stronger state government
3.the men argued over what the consitution would allow
a.both of the men were right -
first polical parties
did not have a specific date so dont look at that
a.led by alexander hamilton
b.favored strong fed. government
c.believed in a strong economy based on manufacting and trade
a.led by tomas jefferson
b.favored fed. government and a strong state government
c. believed in a economy based on farming -
domestice issues
1.debt=$52 million
a.hamilton's 3 point plan
2.differing interpretations of the consitution
a. split into 2 "political partie"
b.fedralist v. democratic-repulicans
3.securing the NW territories
a.convicing britain to give up forts
b.ending indain up-rising in ohio river valley
4.whiskey rebllion
a. farmers rebelled because of the tax on whiskey because it made it harder to sell their goods
b.sent soilders to capture the farms
c. they accepptated it