25th Dynasty

  • Period: 638 BCE to 584 BCE

    Menkheperre Piankhi (21st)

    Menkheperre Piankhi, the fifth pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, was the first of the Theban kings to claim divinity and to be a pharaoh. Many of the achievements currently credited to Thutmose III of the 18th Dynasty should actually be credited to him. Piankhi ruled from 638 to 584 B.C.
  • Period: 637 BCE to 585 BCE

    Shabaka (25th)

    Shabaka, the founder of the 25th Dynasty, was of Nubian blood. He ruled alongside Menkheperre Piankhi from 637 to 585 B.C.
  • Period: 585 BCE to 569 BCE

    Shabataka (25th)

    Shabataka, the second pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty, ruled alongside Piankhi, Pinudjem II, and Psusennes III for some period of time. He ruled from 585 to 569 B.C.
  • Period: 584 BCE to 572 BCE

    Pinudjem II (21st)

    Pinudjem II, the sixth pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 584 to 572 B.C.
  • Period: 572 BCE to 565 BCE

    Psusennes III (21st)

    Psusennes III, the seventh and terminal pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 572 to 565 B.C.
  • Period: 569 BCE to 543 BCE

    Taharqa (25th)

    Taharqa was the third pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty, and the last pharaoh of this period in Egypt's history. He ruled over all Egypt by 564 B.C., and then Nebuchadnezzar's forces invaded Egypt and pushed him south until the end of his reign, when Cyrus the Great conquered Egypt. Taharqa ruled in Egypt from 569 to 564 B.C. before he was forced south until 543 B.C.
  • 564 BCE

    Nebuchadrezzar's Egyptian Holocaust

    The king of Babylon, Nebuchadrezzar, committed what can only be called an Egyptian holocaust in 564 B.C., killing as many Egyptians as he could and forcing the rest into Nubia, along with their pharaoh Taharqa, for 40 years. They barely survived until Cyrus the Great came in 543 B.C., and then the rebuilding process ended under Cambyses the Great after the 40 years was over, in 525 B.C.