Influnces oF Us Government

By danielb
  • Jan 1, 1200

    CIncinatuS /Roman gov

    CIncinatuS /Roman gov
    He was an onest worker was loyal to his government he represented civic vertue he was an example of republicanisam wich is based on belifes
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    he is for populor sovernty wich is were people deside who is in charge.
  • Montesquieu

    heis also for republicanisam just like cincinatus he also was for seperated of powers
  • articles of confederation

    articles of confederation
    the firswt form of government.the problem was that there was to much power four the states.
  • Period: to

    philodelphia convention

    was the first sighting of the veginia plan and the new jersey plan.the large states liked the verginia plan the small states liked the new jersey plan.
  • constotution

    It must be aproved by a vote of 2 to 3 or more.First parties were federaists or demecratic republic. argued over wether there should or shoulden't be a bill of right's
  • Constitutional

    they are for every person has to obaythe law wich is limited gov.
  • washingtons presidentcy

    washingtons presidentcy
    he delt with foregn and demestic problems.the demestic were debt =52 million dollers and teritory from native americans the ather was arguments over the constotution the foregn were other countries debt and the seizing of the ships.