Bob taylor discovers the power on interconnecting timeshares- thus the Arapnet was born. "the idea of the Arpanet was that it was going to basically join up computational resources." -
InterFace Message Processors (I.M.P)
- Bolt, Beranek, and Newman deleivered the protype I.M.P to U.C.L.A.
- The first I.M.P was connected to the first host at U.C.L.A
Baby Internet
"So on October 29, 1669 at 10:30 in the evening, you will find a log...which says 'Talked to SRI host to host'...the September event was when the infant Internet too its first Breath."- Leonard Kleinrock -
Trasmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Bob Khan and Vint Cerf designed the Transmission Control Protocol. The term "internet begins to take root from the term 'interconneting networks'