
Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    This was an infamous incidient indian wars, although when the attack was over, 150 indians were dead. The soldiers lost 9 or 10 men and had 3 dozen injured.The indains had a surrender and put white flags, but Silas Soule refused to follow Colonel Chivington's orders.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    A number of attacks came into effect from 1865-1867.(The Sioux, Cheynne,and Arapho warriors). Crazy Horse, a Sioux millitary leader, lured troops into a trap. 80 soliders pollowed Crazy Horse, while hundreds of warriors were waiting to ambush. All 80 soliders were killed.
  • Discovery of 1874

    Discovery of 1874
    Cuater led an army expedition to find out if there was gold or not in the Blacks Hills.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    The Sioux's chief gathered the Sioux and the Cheyenne warriors along the Little Bighorn River.The US army rounded up the warriors and took them to the reservations. Custer took his men to attack the native americans. Custer had about 250 soldiers against the indians who had thousands. All of them were killed.
  • Treaty of fort Laramie

    Treaty of fort Laramie
    This treaty was with the US government and the Sioux, to bring peace between the Sioux and whites. The Sioux agreed to settle within the Black Hills reservation. The US government later looked for gold on the Sioux's land. This created a legal dispute between the US government and the Sioux.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Several hundred Sioux left out of freight after Sitting Bull died and went to the creek at Wounded Knee. The army came to take their weapons. Nobody knows how this battle started,But when it was over, 200 sioux and 25 soidiers were killed. This marked the end of armed conflicts between whites and Native Americans.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    Ghost Dance was a ritual performed to regain greatness, that expressed their culture. It worried the reservation officals decided to ban the dance. They believed that their chief Sitting Bull was the leader of the movement and shot him.