
Conflicts on the Great Plains

  • Sand Creek Massacare

    Sand Creek Massacare
    The Sand Creek Massacre happend in Sand Creek Colorado on November 29th 1864. This was between the Cheyenne Indains and John Chivington. John Chivington waas upset at the Cheyenne Indains and he raided one of there camps with a group of men and they killed 150 indand and most were pregnet women and children . John Chivingtong won. This was said to be a cause of of the little big horn battle
  • Fettermans Massacre

    Fettermans Massacre
    The event took place at Bozemans Fort. It took place December 21st 1866. Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho were involved. The a Sioux military leader named crazy horse lured army troops to deadly trap. Crazy Horse got 80 soliders to come out and warriros were there to wipe out The winner was the warriors of the Soiux, Cheyenne and Arapho. This Was one of the bloodest battles
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    This agreement took place at Fort Laramie in pretsent day Wyoming. The U.S governemet set up this treaty to move the Sioux Indans to the Black Hills. To keep the peace between the Indians and the settlers.
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    In the Black Hills of the Dakotas was were the Sioux Indans were held according to the treaty of Fort Laramie. Well there were roumors of gold being in the hills so Custer took an army to see if the roumors were true well in the treaty it clamis that " no white preson or people shall be premitted to settle or occupy this land"
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    It was aganisted the Sioux and Cheyeen warrioris and Custer and his Army. They fought along the Little Big Horn River and in the end Custer and all his soilders lost there lives.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    a gost dance was a way that the Souix expressed there culture that was being destroyed.Well the U.S goverment thought that the ritual was dangering other people. Since sitting bull was the head of this ritual the police went to arrest him and during the scuffle Sitting Bull was shot and killed
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    After the Gost Dance incident there was Wounded Knee. They were all shocked at the sight of Sitting Bulls death and te all went down to wounded knee creek. The army went down to collect the Souix weapons. Well now one knows the start of the fightting or even who fired the first shots. But the army responed and there was 200 Souix warriers killed and 25 soliders. This was the end of the fighting between the white people and the native americans.