Great plains

Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    This event took place on the Bozeman Trail in Montana. This event took place on December 21, 1861. The Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors were involved in this event. Crazy Horse, the Sioux leader, acted as a decoy and lured troops to a deadly trap, hundreds of warriors were waiting in ambush and wiped out the entire detachment. The Sioux won this attack. This was significant because of the many people killed.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    This event was located in Colorado territory on November 29, 1864. The Cheyennes and Arapahos we're involved in this event. White settlers had moved into their land angering/upsetting them and soon they began to attack wagon trains, mining camps and stagecoach lines. After a long term of fighting the Indians called for peace, to show that they were doing so they reported and camped near army posts. However, the man in charge wanted the Indians to suffer more. In the end, 150 Indians lie dead fro
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    suffer more then they already had, in the end 150 Indians lie dead. This event is significant because it's part of Colorado's history.
  • • Fetterman Massacre

    This event took place in Wyoming in 1868.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    The Treaty of Fort Laramie took place in Wyoming in 1868.The U.S. government and the Sioux Indians we're involved in this event. The government was moving into The Black Hills of Dakota which upset the Sioux. There was no specific winner of this event because it is still going on today. This event is significant because the land is sacred to the Sioux and all of this is still happening today.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    The Battle of Little Bighorn took place in present day Montana in 1874. The Sioux Indians, the Cheyenne Indians, and the goverment (white prospectors too) were all involved. The government had promised that no white people would invade their land but tried to buy it anyways, so the government decided to move them to reservations but when that didn't work they tried fighting for it and lost. This battle was short lived but shocked the whole nation. The native americans had won.
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    The 1874 Discovery took place in Colorado in 1874. The Sioux Indians land was being taken over because the goverment confirmed there was gold.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    In 1890 Ghost Dance took place involving the Sioux Indians. This dance was supposed to regain former greatness if done according to the prophet, Wovoka. They did so to express their culture that was being destroyed. When the ritual spread, officials decided to ban it because they were alarmed. To stop the dance they attempted to arrest who was believed to be in charge but shot him instead on accident.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Several hundred Indians ran in fear & gatherd in South Dakota. The army went to collect weapons but were alarmed when a shot was heard so they opened fire in fear. More then 200 Sioux were killed and 25 soldiers were also killed.This marked the end of armed conflict between the native americans and whites. The Native Americans had lost their long fight.