First Comment
David Bergan posts Madville Times comment #1, promoting Neil Boortz's Fair Tax. -
Beadle Days... Why Not Beetle Days?
<a href='http://youtube.com/watch?v=WLWjqdqMd24' >Crazy Days? Make That <b>Beetle<b> Days!</a> Madville Times posts initial idea for Beetle Days, which someday will revolutionize Madison! -
Porthan Critique Makes Waves
Madville Times publishes critical review of Dr. Ed Porthan's in-service at Montrose... and Dr. Porthan responds! -
Comparison of SD Abortion Bill and Handmaid's Tale Draws Praise
"HB 1293 -- Preface to the Handmaid's Tale" draws praise from liberal blogs, as well as the first hint of persistent Google juice! -
SiteMeter activated
Madville Times adds Sitemeter, logs 800 vists in remainder of this April. -
New Gym Proposal Defeated
Madville Times takes active role in lobbying against new gym bond issue, publishes guest commentaries from citizens. Bond issue fails in public vote. -
Blogathon at Miracle Treat Day
Miracle Treat Day 2007 slideshow. Madville Times does first all-day liveblogging event with open-to-close coverage of Madison Dairy Queen Miracle Treat Day. See also this video with news footage of DeLon! -
First Sponsor, First Money!
Madville Times makes its first money as Farmers Insurance of Madison buys ad space. -
KELO Recruits Madville Times!
KELO adds Madville Times to its corps of unpaid political bloggers, expanding audience for Madison's best blogging. -
60,000 visits!
Movin' on up: Sitemeter records over 60,000 visits to Madville Times in one year! -
Clintons in Madison -- Blog Coverage
Politics is a blast! Madville Times beats KJAM and Madison Daily Leader in in-depth coverage of historic campaign visits from Hillary and Bill Clinton days before the final primaries of the 2008 Presidential election. -
Madville Times heads for Year Four and the Future!
A video retrospective of the Madville Times at 3! Gadfly, godsend, godawful, gosh-darn funny -- take your pick! Conversation builds community, and that's what the Madville Times is all about. Stay tuned for more news, views, and citizen journalism from the Madville Times.