25 Events

  • English colony at Jamestown Virginia

    14 May 1607 About 100 memebers of a joint verture called Virginia Company established the first permanent settlement in North America
  • First Africans brought to North America

    1 Aug 1619 First Africans arrive at Jamestown as indentured servants for the colonists.
  • Pilgrims land at Plymouth

    21 Dec 1620 The pilgrims on the Mayflower land at Plymouth Rock with 102 passengers. They founded Plymouth Colony
  • Salem Witch Trials

    1 Feb 1692 Hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. Resulted in the executions of 20 people most of them women.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    1 Mar 1754 - 1 Feb 1763 A war fought between the British Colonies and New France. They each had help from the parent countries and their Native American allies
  • Boston Massacre

    5 Mar 1770 A street fights that occured between a patriont mob and British soldiers. the mob began throwing sticks, stones, and snowballs which led to the soldiers fighting back and killing several patriots.
  • Boston Tea Party

    16 Dec 1773 A political protest led by the Sons of Liberty (some were dressed as American Indians) where they dumped a shipment of tea from the East India Company into the Boston Harbor, ruining the tea. They did this in response to the Tea Act of 1773.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    4 Jul 1776 It announced that the thirteen original colonies regarded themselves as thirteen newly formed sovereign states forming the United States of America.
  • Revolutionary War Ends (Treaty of Paris)

    3 Sep 1783 A document signed by King George III of Great Britain and a representative of the United States of America to end the American Revolutionary war
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    Shay's Rebellion

    12 Aug 1786 - 12 Feb 1787 Uprising in opposition of high taxes and stringent economic conditions. armed militias forced the closing of many courts to prevent executions.
  • Constitution Ratified

    21 Jun 1789 New Hapshire was the last state to ratify the Constitution and it was on that date that the U.S. would begin using the governement under the Constitution of the U.S.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    1 Jan 1791 It was a tax applied to all distilled spirits but whiskey was the most popular. People who distilled their own spirits resisted the tax. some protesters used violence but the real violence began when a U.S. marshal arrived and started to serve writs to people who had not paid. people became aware and began to attack the home of the tax inspector
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    Lewis & Clark Expedition

    10 May 1804 - 23 Sep 1806 Also called the Corps of Discovery, it was an expedition that would cross the western portion of the U.S. Their objective was to explore and map the newly bought territory.
  • War of 1812

    18 Jun 1812 The war was fought between the United States and our Native American allies against the United Kindom, Canada, and Spain.
  • Missouri Compromise

    3 Mar 1820 It was an act to control the amount of slave and free territories in the western part of the U.S. It placed a boundry between where there could and could not be slaave states
  • Trail of Tears

    It was the forced relocation of Native Americans after the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
  • Texan Indepence

    It was the forced relocation of Native Americans after the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
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    Mexican American War (Treaty of Guadalupa Hildelgo)

  • Gold Rush in California

    It was a period in Californian history where the discovery of gold attracted many settlers to the west and in the end formed caliornia
  • Compromise of 1850

    it was a package of five seperate bills passed by the congress which solved a four year confrontation between slave and free states.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    It repealed the Missouri compromise and replaceed it with popular sovereingnty. it also allowed the creation of the states of Kansas and Nebraska
  • Abraham Lincoln elected President

    This election put Abraham Lincoln into the white house and seven southern declared their secession from the United States to for the Confederate States of America
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    Civil War

  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

    10 May 1869 the first transcontinental railroad was completed in utah where the last golden spike was placed. this allowed increase in human and cargo transporrtation
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Both presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson both managed to get the southern states to join back as fast as possible.