Scientific Event
Democritus called the particles of matter, atoms. -
Scientific Event
John Dalton came up with the Atomic Theory. -
World Event
Wilhelm Reontgen discovered that the penetrating rays coming from the CRT that were not deflected by a magnetic field were given the name X-rays, by him. -
Scientific Event
JJ Thomson discovered the electron. -
World Event
JJ Thomson studied canal rays and found they were associated with the proton H+. -
Scientific Event
Ernest Rutherford determined the nucleus by his gold foil experiment. Which discovered the proton. -
Scientific Event
Neils Bohr explained the atomic structure. -
Scientific Event
Erwin Schrodinger identified the electron cloud model as the probable location of moving electrons. -
Scientific Event
Cockcroft and Walton came up with the idea of how to spilt an atom. -
Scientific Event
James Chadwick discovered a particle within the nucleus. -
World Event
Robert Oppenheimer oversaw the Manhatten Project. Which was used to create a working atomic bomb. -
World Event
As a result of Cockcroft and Walton the Atomic Bomb was dropped on Japan to end the World War 2.