Captivity cont'd
God had for Rowlandson, and others involved. Although the narrative describes her horrific and tragic events during captivity, it is shown in her original title that Rowlandson saw this as the goodness and faithfulness displayed by God. Rowlandson believed that God had a plan, and everything happened for a reason. -
Captivity among desparate measures
How does Mary Rowlandson's original title of her narrative reflect her purpose of writing it?
Rowlandson's original title was The Sovaignty and Goodness of God, Together with the Faithfulnedd of His Promises Displayed: Being a Narrative of the Capitivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. The abnormally long title of this narrative portrays in detail what Rowlandson's story told. Rowlandson did not just desire to record her tragic experience, but tie it together with what purpose