Licoln Elected President
Lincoln is elected President of the U.S which the south does not Like because he is not a fan of slavery which worrys the south because that was a big issue. But Lincoln is the 16th president of the U.S none the less. -
Secession of South Carolina
This day South Carolina was the first state to seceed from the union because Lincoln was elected president and they feared that he was going to make changes that they didn't want so they left before anything could change. -
Secession of Mississippi
Mississippi Was the second state to secede. They were a couple weeks behind South Carolina but the South is begging to grow. -
Secession of Florida
Flordia was a day behind Mississippi and is the third state to secede and the south just keeps growing. -
Secession of Alabama
Alabama is the 4th state to secede right behind Mississippi and Florida and joins them as in the confedercy. -
Secession of Georgia
Georgia is the 5th state to secede making the south stronger and encourgeing even more states to secede. -
Secession of Louisiana
Louisiana Was the 6th and halfway mark for all the seceding states to keep adding to the South. -
Secession of Texas
Texas was the 7th state to seceed out of the Union on this day just adding to the power of the south. -
Battle of Ft. Sumter
The Battle of Ft. Sumter was the begening of the war as the confederates take the first shot and bombard ft. Sumter for awhile until the union finally surrender, Luckily the only death was one confederate horse. -
Secession of Virginia
Virginia is the 8th state to secede from the union and the first to do so 5 days after the attack on Ft. Sumter. -
Secession of Arkansas
Arkansas is the 9th state to seceed from the union and is the second to do so after the confederates had attacked Ft. Sumter. -
Secession of North Carolina
North Carolina was the 10th state to secced the second to last and almost completes the south. -
Secession of Tennessee
Tennessee is the last state to seceed out of the U.S. into the confederate nation in the south to be free. -
First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)
The first battle of bull run was a confederate victory. The North attacked the south hoping to catch them off guard but were unable to do so because of a spy network. -
The Battle of Shiloh
The battle of Shiloh was a very bloody battle in which the death of the Confederate leader, General Johnston and also Shiloh's awesome toll of 23,746 men killed, wounded, or missing gave soldiers a realization that this war was not going to end soon. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
The Battle Of Harper's Ferry
The Battle lasted 3 days of intense fighting and all out chaos. Jackson began a fierce artillery barrage from all sides and ordered an infantry assault for 8 a.m. Miles realized that the situation was hopeless. -
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)
Private Daniel Swisher, Company A of the 7th West Virginia, wrote home to his family with the visions of battle still clinging to his thoughts. Spared physical harm, his emotional anguish spilled onto the pages he would send home.
"I could not express my feelings while walking over the Battle field to see Ever My Dearest friends and fellow soldiers lying on the field Butchered in That kind of a way." Of one friend in particular, Private John Foglesong also from Company A, he added that he "...w -
The Battle of Fredricksburg
The casualties sustained by each army showed clearly how disastrous the Union army's tactics were, and Burnside was relieved of command a month later, following the humiliating failure of his "Mud March." The Union army suffered 12,653 casualties (1,284 killed, 9,600 wounded, 1,769 captured/missing).[2] Two Union generals were mortally wounded: Brig. Gens. George D. Bayard and Conrad F. Jackson. The Confederate army lost 5,377 (608 killed, 4,116 wounded, 653 captured/missing),[3] most of them in -
Emacipation Proclomation Signed
The Battle of Gettysburg was a huge bloody battle that was the turning point of the war. The south had been running wild through the north killing and taking teriitory and then at gettysburg the most americans to ever die in one battle died at gettysburg and the union devastated the south with a huge victory to turn the war in union favor. -
Siege of Knoxville
The Battle Of Chattanooga
Battle Of Cold Harbor
Siege of Petersburg
Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman's march to the sea was the beginning of the end for South Carolina. In 1864 the Confederacy was tottering to its fall. With the fall of Vicksburg on the Mississippi and the battle of Gettysburg. Most of the seaports had fallen and the South was shut off from commerce. -
Appomattox Courthouse
Assasination of Lincoln
The war had just been won by the United States and John Wilkes Booth had organized a group of co-conspirators that included Samuel Arnold, Michael O'Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell George Atzerodt, and David Herold They p;anned to kill a few men that night at around 10:15 Booth made jis way up the stairs at Fords theatre and shot Lincoln in the back of the head While Atzerodt was to kill Vice-President Andrew Johnson and Powell was assigned to kill Secretary of State William Seward.