
24-hour timeline (biological events)

  • Period: 4600 BCE to 540 BCE


    Guide fossils: Estromatolitos
    Geological events:
    - Formation of the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
    - Formation of the supercontinent Rodina
    - Formation of Pannotia
    - Formation of the oceans
    Climate events:
    - A great global ice age beings
    - Earth "snowball"
    - Change from a reducing atmosphere to one rich in oxygen
  • 3800 BCE

    1st life forms: 4:10

    1st life forms: 4:10
    The first forms of life were unicellular, that is, made up of a single cell
  • 2100 BCE

    1st most complex life forms: 9:07

    1st most complex life forms: 9:07
    Life derived from a chemical evolution appeared
  • Period: 540 BCE to 245 BCE


    Guide fossils: Trilobites
    Geological events:
    - Pannotia fracturing
    - Formation of Pangea
    - Great volcanic activity
    Climate events:
    - Ordovic glaciation
    Carboniferous glaciation
  • 505 BCE

    Great explosion of life: 9:10

    Great explosion of life: 9:10
    Terrestrial plants, invertebrates, fish and amphibians appeared
  • 455 BCE

    Age of the fish: 21:37

    Age of the fish: 21:37
    First the jawless fish emerged and then the cartilaginous and bony ones emerged
  • 420 BCE

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms): 21:48

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms): 21:48
    The first terrestrial plants were gymnosperms, that is, vascular plants that produce seeds.
  • 340 BCE

    Amphibian age: 22:13

    Amphibian age: 22:13
    They arose from a group of bony fish that possessed a primitive lung
  • 245 BCE

    Age of the reptiles: 22:43

    Age of the reptiles: 22:43
    Many of the current groups emerge, such as lizards, snakes and crocodiles, but dinosaurs stand out as the majority group
  • Period: 245 BCE to 66 BCE


    Guide fossils: Ammonites
    Geological events:
    - Pangea fracturing
    - Large meteor impact
    Climate events:
    - Started with a dry and warm trend during the Triassic
  • 240 BCE

    1st dinosaurs and mammals: 22:44

    1st dinosaurs and mammals: 22:44
    The first mammals arose from the cynodonts, a group of reptiles
  • 200 BCE

    1st angiosperms: 23:22

    1st angiosperms: 23:22
    Are the seed plants whose flowers have whorls
  • 160 BCE

    Age of the birds: 23:39

    Age of the birds: 23:39
    Birds evolved from a group of carnivorous dinosaurs. An example is Archeopteryx
  • Period: 66 BCE to 1 BCE


    Guide fossils: Numulites
    Geological events:
    - The present continents are formed
    Climate events:
    - Ice age
    - The last great ice age ocurred
  • 20 BCE

    1st hominids: 23:53

    1st hominids: 23:53
    Hominids are characterized by upright posture and bipedal locomotion
  • 2 BCE

    1st Homo sapiens: 23:59

    1st Homo sapiens: 23:59
    They possess the main characteristics that define modern humans