Beatles 1963

1963 group

  • fashion

    long hair ,colorful clothes ,open shirts and flurey pants were the fashion .
  • please please me

    please please me
    The Beatles release their first album Please Please Me.
  • wwf

    buddy rogers is first wf champion
  • hotline

    USA and USSR establish "hotline" connection.
  • tab

    tab soft drink is introduced
  • i have a dream

    i have a dream
    A quarter of million people participate in the civil rights March on Washington DC. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. makes his "I have a dream" speech.
  • vote

    on the first of november indigenous people were aloud to vote
  • assassinated

    President John F Kennedy assassinated in the Dallas
  • election

    30th of november there was a federal election robert menzies regained controll with an extra ten seats.
  • international direct dialling

    international direct dialling
    3rd of december because international direct dialling was created and with the openic of compac the commonwealth pacific cable to help australians to call oversease easily