Untitled 1

1961 The Year that was

  • Year kicks off

    Year kicks off
    It is New Years day and the year 1961 had begun.
  • John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as the President of the United States.

    John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as the President of the United States.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."
  • Credit Squeeze

    Credit Squeeze
    The Credit Squeeze hits the car industry: GMH to dismiss 2,600 workers.
  • Ford sacks 900 workers

    Ford sacks 900 workers
    Ford sacks 980 workers, making a total of 2000 since the previous November.
  • Hotels and Theatres open on Anzac Day for the first time

    Hotels and Theatres open on Anzac Day for the first time
    Apr 25 Hotels and theatres open for the first time on Anzac Day. Organised sport allowed in the afternoon
  • First American suborbital flight

    First American suborbital flight
    NASA launches Alan Shepard in Freedom 7, first American human suborbital flight.
  • Going to the Moon

    Going to the Moon
    The trip to the moon begins in this year of 1961.
  • The Last Tram runs

    The Last Tram runs
    Hobart: The last tram runs. Earlier in April, a runaway tram crashed into another tram. Several vehicles, including a bus, were hit by the trams. A conductor was killed and more than 40 people were treated for injuries in the Royal Hobart Hospital.
  • Rod Laver wins Men's Singles tennis final at Wimbeldon

    Rod Laver wins Men's Singles tennis final at Wimbeldon
    On 8th of July 1961 Rod Laver won the men's single tennis final in Wimbeldon at England.
  • Tossin' and Turnin'

    Tossin' and Turnin'
    Tossin' and Turnin' was one of the most successful songs to be released in the early sixties. It was written by Bobby Lewis
  • An end to compulsory national service training for men

    An end to compulsory national service training for men
    Jun 30 Canberra: Compulsory national service training for men ends
  • Berlin Wall was built

    Berlin Wall was built
    The Wall was erected in because more than 2.6 million East Germans escaped to West Berlin or West Germany.
  • First tied cricket test

    First tied cricket test
    Brisbane: First tied cricket test Australia v West indies at The Gabba Crown-of-thorns starfish begins ravaging the Great Barrier Reef
  • Bondi Beach

    Bondi Beach
    Sydney: Woman fined for being "unsuitably dressed" wearing a bikini at Bondi Beach