Sanjina's Timeline

By sanjina
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Bangladesh was the focal point of trade int he Indian Ocean during the early 14th century.
  • Aug 1, 1487

    Portugal - Dias

    Portugal - Dias
    Dias was the 1st European to voyage around the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Spain - Columbus

    Spain - Columbus
    Columbus discovers San Salvador believing he has reached the passage to India and China. He returns to Spain on March 15, 1493 with the news of the New World.
  • Sep 25, 1493

    Spain - Coumbus

    Spain - Coumbus
    Columbus goes on a second voyage to the New World, He explores Hispaniola and comes across hostile Carib and Arawak native indians. Columbus retirns to Spain on September 29, 1494.
  • May 2, 1497

    England - Cabot

    England - Cabot
    Cabot founded Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. But his second voyage failed in February 3, 1498.
  • May 20, 1498

    Portugal - de Gama

    Portugal - de Gama
    de Gama discovers an ocean route from Portugal to the East. He was the 1st to sail around Africa to India.
  • May 30, 1498

    Spain - Columbus

    Spain - Columbus
    Columbus goes on his third voyage to the New World. He crosses over the mainland, discovers pearls and becomes the 1st European to land in Sauth America.
  • Dec 31, 1500


    European traders arrived in the late 15th century.
  • Sep 27, 1513

    Spain - Balboa

    Spain - Balboa
    Balboa founded Panama and was the 1st European to see the Pacific Ocean.
  • Mar 22, 1519

    Spian - Magellan

    Spian - Magellan
    Magellan starts the 1st voyage around the world.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Spain - Cortes

    Spain - Cortes
    Cortes arrives at Tenochtitlan, kills Moctezuma II and conquers the Aztec empire.
  • Mar 16, 1521

    Spain - Magellan

    Spain - Magellan
    Magellan discovers the Philippines durin his voyage around the world. He tried to convert the people but was killed by natives.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    French - da Verrazzano

    French - da Verrazzano
    da Verrazzano explores the NE coast of North America and discovers Manhattan suring his voyage of discovery to the New World.
  • Nov 15, 1532

    Spain - Pizarro

    Spain - Pizarro
    Pizarro reaches Cajamarca and captures Atahuallpa, the emperor of the Incas. Pizarro demanded a 22 foot room filled with gold for Atahuallpa's ransom. After he recieved the ransom in 1533, pizarro killed all the Incan emperors and conqured the Incan empire.
  • Apr 1, 1534

    France - Cartier

    France - Cartier
    Cartier leades his 1st voyage to North America. He reached in Newfoundland and explored the coast of Labrador.
  • May 26, 1535

    France - Cartier

    France - Cartier
    Cartier leades his second voyage to Canada with 3 ships and 110 men. He explored some land in Montreal before returning to spend the winter at Quebec. During the winter 25 of the men died because of scurvy.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    France - Cartier

    France - Cartier
    Cartier lead his 3 voyage to Canada with Sieur de Roberval to colonize Canada.
  • Apr 7, 1541

    Portugal - Xavier

    Portugal - Xavier
    Xavier left Llisbon and started his missionary to christianize other countries. During this time he travelled to India, Malay and Japan.
    He Reached India on May 6 1542, Malay in October 1545 and Japan on July 27 1549.
  • Sep 28, 1542

    Spain - Cabrillo

    Spain - Cabrillo
    Cabrillo is the 1st European to sail north from Mexico to Calafornia. He explorers and discovers the California coast and San Diego bay. His voyage allowed Spain to claim California.
  • Jun 17, 1579

    England - Sir Francis Drake

    England - Sir Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake stops in present day San Fransisco to repair his ship called the Golden Hind which he was circumnavigating the world in since 1577. He claimed the land for for England which he called New Albion. In 1580 his jorney ended and he returned back to England.
  • England - Sir Humphrey Gilbert

    England - Sir Humphrey Gilbert
    Sir Humphrey Gilbert establishes Newfoundland during his voyage to the New World and Newfoundland which he started in June 11, 1583.
  • England - Sir Walter Raleigh

    England - Sir Walter Raleigh
    Sir Walter Raleigh starts his expidition to explore and settle in North America. During this time he discovers Guiana and establishes the Virginia colony of Roanoke Island.
  • Spain - de Onate

    Spain - de Onate
    de Oante established the colony of New Mexico
  • England - Hudson

    England - Hudson
    Hudson discovers the Hudson River during his voyage to find the Indies.
  • Dutch - Tasman

    Dutch - Tasman
    Tasman started his expedition expedition for the discovery of the "Unknown Southland and Eastland". Durins this time he explored Tasmania, New Zealand and Fiji. Tasman reached Tasmania on November 24 1642, New Zealand on December 13 and Fiji on January 20 1643.
  • France - Marquette

    France - Marquette
    Marquette discovers the Mississppi River with Louis Joliet.
  • Bangladesh

    The British East India Company won the Battle of Plassey and cauring the Biritsh to rule over the reigon.
  • Bangladesh

    The Bengal famine occered killing 3 million people.
  • Bangladesh

    Partion of India divided India and Pakistan. Bengal became East Pakistan.
  • Bangladesh

    War of Liberation began against Pakistan. On December 16, 1971 Banglaseh won the war and liberated.
  • Bangladesh

    Bangahandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, was killed suring the War of Liberation.