The Internet 1995-2005

  • Windows 95

    Microsofts windows 95 was realesed but was later suceeded by windows 98 in 1998

    The domain name tv.cmo was sold for 15,000 dollars. The domain wars begin
  • sells for $150,000. Microsoft and Netscape are the tow biggest players in the domain wars
  • Google begins

    Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998
  • Browers war

    This year Aol buys Netscape. The Browsers war is declared over because Netscape and Microsoft own close to 100% of the domains
  • Mass Deinal

    A large-scale denial of service attack is launched against some major Web sites like Yahoo!, alerting Web sites to the need for tighter security measures. 10,000,000 domain names have been registered.
  • double the domains

    There are 20,000,000 websites on the Internet, numbers doubling since February 2000.
  • Viruses

    The Code Red worm and Sircam virus infiltrate thousands of web servers and email accounts, respectively, causing a spike in Internet bandwidth usage and security breaches.
  • Population

    this year, Internet global population reach 428 million
  • RIAA

    e RIAA sues 261 individuals for allegedly distributing copyright music files over peer-to-peer networks
  • DOOM!

    this year the virus mydoom! worm is annoucned as the worlds worst virus
  • YouTube!

    This year youtube is launched