Mastricht Treaty
This treaty officially founded the European Union. Yet, as I discussed in my news paper, it was not the best received document in Europe. -
Turkish Coal Mine Failure
236 people lie dead after a Turkish coal mine disaster. -
China signs nuclear treaty.
The People's Republic of China ratifies the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. -
Single Market Europe
Europe merges its markets after only a year of mutual cooperation. The startagy is to protect European jobs. -
Clinton Replaces George H. Bush
The annoying time of having to remember the newly elected presedent "president elect" ends and Clinton assends to the position. -
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Clinton thought it might be a good idea to please the voters who claim to be "intellectuals". He introduces, a giant step back in ethics! Now... gays continue to push for even more! -
The incredibly brilliant and stunning success we know as NAFTA was formalized on this day. The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement lets us enjoy free trade with our neighbors who can make stuff cheaper than we can! A stunning deiplay of the proper way to decrease that there trade deficit. :/ -
World Trade Center Terrorists
4 Terrorists are convicted of the boming attempt against the World Trade Center. Although a rousing failure, the attempt still claimed 6 lives and injured a great deal. -
Nuclear Downgrading
Russia and the People's Republic of China both agree to, officially, take thier nuclear wepons and point them at each other no more! -
Helping Mexico with Debt
Clintion extends $20 billion in credit to Mexico so that they can hold off their debt. Although this is probably ultimately, benificial, it took emergency powers to do this. Emergency powers were meant more for civil war ... and ... when the US's very existance hinged in the balance... -
DOW closes High
For the first time in history, the DOW closed above 4000 points, at 4003.33. The dot com bubble must be in full swing :D -
NASA and Jupitur
Galileo Probe enters orbit around Jupiter. Well it said "re-enters" so it either re-entered orbit or went through re-entry which would mean it won't be sending too many transmissions.. . -
China and thier Dead
On this day, 122 people lie dead along with over 400 more injured do to an accident. The accident involved 10 tons of TnT exploding in an illegal, underground warehouse beneath an apartment building. -
Mortars Fire on US Embassy
The US embassy in Athens, Greece comes under fire from a mortar. -
Operation Grapes of Wrath
Israeli offensive against Lebonon in response to terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, I'm fairly sure that the Israelis didn't get their point accross very well... the attack sparked a violent reprocussion. -
Clinton Re-elected
Well, the liberal who attempted to rid of us the deficit received his vote of confidence. -
Deep Blue
IBM's "Deep Blue" won a game of chess against renowned chess master, Garry Kasparov. -
Hong Kong
The British hand Hong Kong back over to the Chinese after thier 99 year lease ends. They should have given it to Tiawan, the legitimate China, but they didn't. -
Europe on the No Cloning Boat!
19 European Countries decide to ban human cloning research. -
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
The Japanese open the largest suspension bridge in the world and US investors spend 3.8 Billion to make it happen. -
India Well Into Nuclear Capacity
India conducts 3 nuclear tests underground. One of them was thermo-nuclear. -
No Right To Connect with the World...
Not in China at least. China revealed new restrictions on internet use. These rerestrictions were targeted at cafes. -
Napster pops into existence. Napster allows the free flow of digital music. Although the actual site is promptly sued and closed, the way is opened for rampant music copyright infringement. Mostly to the benifit of the public ... so does that make it right? It would then be the greatest good for the greatest number, right? Alas, peasants have no legal say so... its still illegal,... -
Exonmobil Corporation
Two Giants merge to form a massive, publicly owned, company. Based on: Black Gold. This corporation is a decendant from Rockefeller. -
The Millennium saw .... no big changes. Much to the publics disappointment, the world did not end.... -
Agent Orange
US air force report stated a corrolation betwean distributors of Agent Orange and diabetes in veterans. -
Cigarette Addiction
Sientists prove that it takes very few smokes to addict a person. The younger the person, the more succeptible to addiction. -
AOL Time Warrner
The Federal Trade Commission permits the merger of AOL and Time Warrner. -
Worlds Largest Train
A train around 4.7 miles in length is set up for the BHP Iron Ore Company. It can move 82 tons of ore. Its total weight is around 100 tons. -
Artificial Heart
Robert Tools received the first complete artificial heart. -
Afganistan Front Begins
Well,,,, one of the wars we are currently spending dollars that we don't have on. We like to play with imaginary money called "credit" don't we.... yes, I understand its technically not imaginary... just that in such large loans the numbers become "un real"... -
Mr. President Cheney
Dick Cheney served briefly as president of the United States whilel George H. Bush went through a colonoscopy. -
Ruhnama Influence...
Turkmenistan changes the name of their months and days of the week to correlate better with the manifesto written by their recently deceased president for life. The book is called Ruhnama. -
Iraq Invasion
US drops first bombs on Iraq. Iraq continues to fail to comply to US demands. War begins, land troops land the next day. -
Mission Accomplished....
US and allies completely over run and occupy Iraq. So... the withdrawl starts then, right? I guess it wasn't so "accomplished". We then proceded to spend more money we didn't/don't have! -
Rest In Peace Super Sonic Travel!
The Concord is retired. With it ends the era of inefficient, though really fun, super sonic passanger travel. -
South Korean President - Impeached!
Roh Moo-hyun was impeached by the South Korean National Assembly. -
Islamic Terrorists - Caught
Islamic Terrorists who played a hand in the attacks in Madrid earlier that year were apprehended. -
George Bush - Wins Re-Election
George Bush wins the election again. Not sure how, but he did it legitimately... I blame it on that the economy was good at that particular time... -
Deep Impact!
Deep Impact is launched from Cape Canaveral. Presumably for further space mapping projects. -
Papal Elections
Joseph Ratzinger is renamed Pope Benedict XVI after being ellected on only the second day of the Papal Conclave. -
X Box 360
I found this and thought it was interesting anyone noted it... I guess in reallity, It did have a huge impact on gaming markets... -
Patriot Act
Bush re-asserts the authority of the goverment to rather randomly tap civilian calls and mesages to look for any forewarnings of terror plots. -
Military Tribunials
The Supream Court states that prisoners are entitled to fair trails under the Geniva Convention and that the Military cannot indeapendantly set up Tribunials and try prisoners without Congrestial approvel. One would think this is a no brainer but I imagin the lines get a little gray when wageing a war... -
Abandoning the Ambassadorship
John Bolton steps down from being the US ambassador to the UN when it occurs to him he cannot maintain the appointment due to not having enough support for confirmation. -
Integrating the Former Communists
Several of our previous foes are admitted into the European Union including: Romania and Bulgaria. -
Shiite vs. Sunni who can be more violent?!
In the religion that teaches peace, factions have wars of attrition. Not too unlike the good ol' days of Christiandom.. except, that they have yet to "get over" their differences. In this incident, Sunni rebels are suspected of blowing up a Shiite Mosque. In response, the Shiite rebels blew up two Sunni Mosques. -
North Korea De-nuclearizing
I actually had some time to pay attention to the news when this happened. It was incredible to think. Of course, since then we let them test medium-long range missles. Yet, this in itself was good to hear. -
Scrach One al-Qaeda Commander
So, it doesn't have the same ring as "scrach one flat top" but it is about the same level of accomplishment. On this day we were able to proclaim that we killed Abu Laith al-Libi, with a missle... I say whatever that missle cost, it was worth it. Yet, a bullet could have done the same thing.... Dose anyone else long for the days of conventional war when the enemy had... inforstructur and when you beat the field army, you won.... -
Is it Possible to "Mistakenly Ship Warhead Fuses?"
The top five air force generals were fired for allowing the mistaken shipment of nuclear war head fuses to Taiwan. -
Blastphemy Inflames Yet Another State
California recognizes gay marriages. Gracefully, this only lasts a short time before the people of California say that they will not tolerate this abuse of thier general indifference to gays. ... -
Mr. President Obama
Dear ol' Obama ascends to the title of Mr. President. As Mr. President, he begins to immediatley deliver on his campaign promises. A general good move, but will he be able to continue to convince the public that his campain ideas are all good? Probaly not as the republicans can "fillobust" and delay everything till the end of the next mellinium,... -
Iran President to go into Power, Regardless ....
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will become Iran;s President, again despite the rather steep oposition against him... Oh well, I really don't think the other canidate would have been much easier to work with... eventually, the government should have to listen to its own people but we can wait for them to tear themselfs apart... -
Iran's Supreme Leader - In defense of the West
My satisfaction with the tyrant went way up. Ayatollah Khamenei proclaimed that the West was NOT at fault for the "post" "election" violence. Well, he may not be able to tell a rigid ellection from a legitimate one but he most definatly is getting the idea that the best way to keep America diss-interested is to approve (or at least not diss-approve) of us.