Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Discovers the Americas
Colombus begins the trend of enslaving in america once he descovers the exsistence of Native Americans. He begins a genocide and enslaves the natives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uk9S6fcdPk -
Period: May 7, 1500 to
Transatlantic Slave Trade
The Transatlantic Slave Trade transported over 12 million Africans to the Americas and Europe to exploit them for cheap/free labor. This happened for 1500s-1900s.
Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.
http://www.slavevoyages.org/tast/assessment/intro-maps/01.jsp -
Period: to
Anti-Slavery International
The Anti-Slavery International was founded in the British Empire in 1839 by Thomas Clarkson. They have been very influential in the fight against slavery by helping pass laws like the Brussels Act which allowed ships to be searched and to arrest anyone show transported slaves. The Anti-Slavery International is still fighting the war on slavery to this day. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863. This was meant to free slaves in the Confederate states. This did not apply to states part of the Union, but as successful as this was for African-American slaves it did not abolish all slavery in the United States. Today there are plenty of people forced into human trafficking.
http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured_documents/emancipation_proclamation/ -
21st-Century Slaves
This article "21st-Century Slaves" Gives good insight on how people are still slaves today. Slaves in the modern world todfay have been mainly been used for prostitutional purposes. It is estimated that 27 million men,women and children in the world are enslaved for sex today. Sadly these crimes are not just in third world countrys, they exsist in the United States as well. -
The End of Poverty?
There are 60-80 million enslaved workers today. These people are not just enslavesd as individuals but as a whole family as well, in order to pay a past relative's debt. The unique thing about these slaves is that they are not actually owned by anybody despite the fact they are forced to work. They are actually treated worse because they are not owned; their masters would keep the healthy if they did own the slaves.