Artificial intelligence

21st Century Medical Advancements

  • Telehealth Dr. VIsits

    Telehealth Dr. VIsits
    Use of technology to support and promote long distance clinical health related education
  • Bionic Prosthetic

    Bionic Prosthetic
    Bionic prosthetic part controlled by a persons thoughts by a sensor called IMES (Implanted Myoelectric sensors that are surgically placed in a patients muscle tissue
    In 1963 a powered prosthetic hand was developed for kids
    David Gow created the electrical arm prosthetic in 1986
    The patients will have a working limb
    Improving their daily life tasks
  • Immunotherapy For Caner Treatment

    Immunotherapy For Caner Treatment
    Doctors may recommend a therapy treatment called immunotherapy if you have cancer. It makes the body’s natural defenses kick off to fight cancer by using substances to improve or restore immune system function
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    Cells with potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body-Helps by replacing a diseases cell or cells with a healthy one
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    Scientific research project that has a goal of determining sequences of nucleotide that make up human DNA
  • Anti- Smoking Laws

    Anti- Smoking Laws
    Public policies that prohibits tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public spaces
  • 3D Printing Body Parts

    3D Printing Body Parts
    Currently used to print tissues and organs
    Anothony Atala ahd the idea of using 3D printing to replace parts of the human body in the 1990’s
    Can help businesses cut costs by reducing the amount of storage space needed
    In use of a limb it would cost less to a patient
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Method used to preform surgery by a robotic arm
    -Surgeon controls the robotic arm
    - da Vinci Surgical system was the first robotic surgical system that was approved by the FDA n 2000
    -Made by the Intuitive Surgical Company
    -Shorter hospitalization -Reduced pain and discomfort -Faster recovery time and return to normal activities -Smaller incisions, resulting in reduced risk of infection -Reduced blood loss and transfusions -Minimal scarring
  • Facial Transplants

    Facial Transplants
    Medical procedure to replace all or some parts of a person’s face using tissue from a donor
    First transplant one a living human happened in 2005 in France
    Benefits a patient by giving them a new face
    Benefits them mentally like confidence and hope
  • Artificial Pancreas

    Artificial Pancreas
    System that monitors blood glucose levels and provides insulin or a combination with insulin and a second hormone to people with type 1 diabetes
    -Approved by the FDA in 2016
    -Made by Medtronic (MiniMed 670G)
    Benefits by serving as a pancreas by releasing enzymes that aid in the digestion of food
    Regulates glucose levels