tobaco ptations
cause:the british wanted a place to grow the profitable cash crop tobaco
effect: both the colonies and british empire became wealthier, and tobacco became americas leading export. -
African Slavery
Cause: The Europeans realized that slaves offered a cheap, reliable and virtually limitless supply of labour for there many coinies across the world.
Effect: not only were the populations of africa spread across the globe (especially the americas), but the slaves also helped build up the colonial powers of europe by providing free labor. -
hudson bay company founded
Cause: the british wanted to establish a trade company that would regulate there products in british canada.
effect: for a period of time, the company was the largest private land holder in the world. it also helped establish a population in canada. -
King williams war begins
Cause: The nine years war in Europe spread to the european countries respective colonies.
Effect: in 1697 at the end of the nine years war, king williams war ended. within five years however, the second of the french indian wars began -
wool acts of 1699
cause: the british wanted to regulate trade in the new world, so they established a tarriff regulating the price of wool
Effect: regulated the price of wool imports and exports to and from the new wolrd -
cause: the european powers wanted to expand there empires, and belived this form of econmy, supported by several economists, would be the simpelist way to achieve this goal.
effect: this form of economy dominated the european market for several centuries. it also led to an eventual colapse of the european economy. -
queen annes war
cause: the war of spanish succesion in Europe spread to the european countries respective colonies.
effect: The brittish gained some former spanish and french possesions. there was a brief time of piece until the war of jenkins ear, the third french and indian war. -
east india company
cause: the british wsntrd to chsrter a compsny that could regulate its vast ammount of trade goods in the orrient, especially the sub continent of india.
effect: the company prosperred for almost two centuries and became the de facto government of india until the late 1800s -
hat act of 1732
Cause: the british wanted to put a tariff on all animal furs used to make hats, particularly beaver pelts.
effect: a tarrif was put on hats. -
colony of Georgia founded
cause: the british wished to expand there territory.
Effect: The colony would become the southern most of the 13 colonies and also became one of the leading producers of cotton, tobacco and various produce products. -
molasses act of 1733
cause: the british wanted to regulate the price of mollases, the chief ingeedient of rum, that was exported and imported to and from the new world.
cause: a tarrif was put on molasses made in the new world -
the war of jenkins ear
cause: Robert jenkins, a captain of a british merchant ship that was attacked by a spanish vessel, exibited his severed ear he had lost in the attack to parliment. Because this was not the first time an incedent such as this had occured, parliment declared war on spain and her allies.
effect: the aftermath of the war set the stage for the french and indian war. -
king georges war
cause: as the war of austrian succesion raged in europe, it spread to the europeans coutries various colonies.
Effect: Along with the war of jenkins ear, this wars aftermath set the stage for the french and indian war. -
iron act of 1750
cause: the british wanted to put a tariff on iron mined in the new world
effect: a tarrif was put oniron mined in the new world -
French and Indian war
cause: The preceding wars between the british and the french left a mark on the colonies and things eventually boiled over.
effect: The primary effect of the war was that changed the relationship the colonists had with the british because they viewed it as somewhat of a proxy war and believed they were being used.