outfitting balloon
Prof Sherman outfits his balloon for 2 days. p 45 -
leaves San Francisco
Prof Sherman leaves San Fransisco at 3:00 in the afternoon. p 29 -
ready for takeoff
Prof. Sherman lays down his mattress before taking off. p 47 -
Mr. F gives a present
Mr F gives Prof. Sherman diamonds. p 180 -
small fishing boat
Prof. Sherman sights a small Japanese Fishing boat on his journey. p 51 -
Prof. Sherman arrives on a island called Krakatoa. p 136 -
Prof Sherman has a hole in his balloon
A seagull pokes a hole in the ballon. p 55 -
breakfast time
Prof. Sherman eats breakfast at the Chinese restaurant. p 135 -
Leaving the island of Krakatoa
3 minutes after takeoff everyone was shouting on the balloon except the Prof. p 164 -
Prof. Sherman swims with Mr. F for the 2nd day. p 155 -
black cloud
A black cloud starts to thin out as the Krakatoan people fly away. p 171 -
families of Krakatoa leave
The families leave the F's and Prof. Sherman on the balloon. the families are happy to be safe. p 171 -
going over Belguim
Prof. Sherman flies over Belguim. p 175 -
sighted Atlantic Ocean
Prof Sherman descends to the Atlantic Ocean. p 175 -
the F's leave Prof. Sherman
The F family leaves Prof. Sherman by himself to land the balloon. the F's descend toward the English Channel. p 172 -
Prof. Sherman is found in the Atlantic Ocean
Prof. Sherman is found by the Captin of the SS Cunningham in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, 60 N lat 17 W long. p 13 -
Prof. Sherman is found in the Atlantic Oceanat 60 degrees N 17 degrees W. p 12 -
Murray Hill Hotel
Prof. Sherman arrives at the Murray HIll Hotel. p 13 -
ship arrives in New York
The SS Cunningham arrives in New York. p 13 -
the trip ends
Prof Shermans journey ends in a 2 hour uphill run. p 175 -
Prof. Sherman leaves San Francisco
Prof. Sherman leaves San Francisco at 3:00. p 29 -
train sighted!
The Presidential Train is sighted at 2:56 in the evening -
After intermission, Prof. Sherman will continue his talk. p 111