What weather!
The weather was perfecty pg.174 -
Finally done
Finished his balloon (globe) pg.44 -
Bye proffesor Sherman
Left San Fransisco at 3:00pm pg.9/29 -
Sailed Away
Sailed away 2:00 pm pg.45 -
Friends were watching him lift off
closest friends were on hand to see Professor Sherman off pg.45 -
Garbage Stinks
The garbage stinks pg.50 -
Japeneze Fishing Boat
Sighted in a small japeneze fishing boat pg.51 -
Sighted land
Professer Sherman sees land pg.52 -
Big hole in the side of his balloon
Had a hole the size of a seagul on the side of his balloon -
Got diamonds size of lima beans
The first he got their he got diamonds the size of lima beans pg.180 -
2nd Day of swimming
2nd day of swimming with Mr.F pg.155 -
Spent the morning swimming on "d" day pg.155 -
Whether was perfect
Weather was magnificent pg.174 -
Found in Atlantic
Found in Atlantic 60 degrees N lat. 17 degrees W long. pg.112 -
picked up
He was picked up in the Atlantic ocean -
Sighted in atlantic
Captin Simon sighted him and picke him up in the atlantic pg.178 -
Cupalo Rises
The cupalo rose from the ground and took off pg.24 -
Arived at Muray Hill Hotel
Arrives at the Hotel from long trip pg.13 -
Presidental train was sighted
The train was sighted from a far distance pg.31 -
Over the volcano
Spent 17 hours over the volcano pg.166 -
Left Krakatoa
Proffesor sherman left Krakatoa -
Second Day without out Krakatoa
Black cloud thinned out sufficiently pg.171 -
Third day without Krakatoa
Saw land and went crazy pg.171 -
Dreadful 9 more days
Had to wait nine more days without anyone pg.172