Mass Poduction e.g. Vehicles (1910's to 1920's)
The Model T made its debut in 1908 and with a pricetag of $825.00. More than ten thousand were sold in its first year, creating a new record in the books. By 1914, Ford could easily claim a 48% share of the automobile market. Soon enough Henry Ford was able to reduce the time it took to make the Model-T from twelve and a half to six. -
End Of WWI
All over the world on November 11, 1918, people were celebrating, dancing in the streets, drinking champagne and hailing the celebration in Paris Nov 11, 1918 armistice that meant the end of WWI. -
Invention of television (1920's)
Few inventions have had as much effect on contemporary American society as television. Before 1947 the number of U.S. homes with television sets could be measured in the thousands. By the late 1990s, 98% of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets were on for an average of more than seven hours a day. -
Wall Street Market Crash of 1929
The 1929 Stock Market crash was a result of various economic imbalances and structural failings. These are some of the biggest economic factors behind the stock market crash of 1929.In the 1920s, there was a rapid growth in bank credit and loans. Encouraged by the strength of the economy people felt the stock market was a one way bet. -
1938 Day Of Mouning
January 26, 1938 was the 150th anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet in Australia, for some a day to celebrate, for others a day to mourn. For those who celebrated there was a parade, a re-enactment of the arrival of the First Fleet and lots of partying. -
Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbor
Bombing of Darwin
Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Invention of the Internet (1950's)
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream…” Speech
Australian Freedom Ride
Invention of Mobile Phone
Fall of the Berlin Wall