Opium Wars
Treaty of Nanjing
ended opium wars -
Matthew Perry to Japan
Taiping Rebellion
Meiji Restoration
zaibatsu -
Samuri Rebellion
Triple Alliance forms
Berlin conference
divided up african counteries -
Kaiser Wilhelm II takes place of Otto von Bismark
Triple Intervention
france, russia, and germany pressured japan to give laidong peninsula back to china so they had more power in china and didnt want japan to become super powerful -
Boxer Rebellion starts
Empress Cixi takes power
Trans-Siberian Railway
Russo-Japanese War
japan attacks/defeats russia
made tsar look bad
japan starts becoming world power -
Bloody Sunday
workers marches shut down cities- workers wanted war to end
tsar tells imperial troops to shoot them down
makes tsar look bad
soviets take power in st petersburg -
Duma created
Triple Entente forms
russia, france, britain -
Bosnian Crisis
austria annexes bosnia, bosnia is upset
russia sees themselves as protectors of bosnia, is mad at austria
germany backs austria
germany and austria are close, -
Guomindang created
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand assassination
blank check
germany agrees to back austria no matter what -
Central Powers forms
germany, austria, ottoman empire, bulgaria -
Britain, france, russia, japan, italy -
Yuan Shikai is first president of the republic of china
Armenian Genocide
ottoman empire kills armenians -
Warlord Era begins
Yuan Shikai dies -
Petrograd Soviet
part of dual power,
not in real power
modeled after soviet
turn into bolsheviks -
Tsar Nicholas II abdicates
sergeit witte industrialized russia under tsar -
Zimmerman Telegram
brought US into the war -
Provisional Government founded
after fall of tsar
part of dual government -
October Revolution
bolsheviks seize power
led by lenin
ends provisional government -
start of russian civil war
red army vs. white army
red army wins -
14 Points
May Fourth Protests
Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles
Sergei Einstein makes film "Battleship Potemkin"
supported communism -
March on Rome/ Mussolini rises to power
Beer Hall Putsch
Locarno Treaties
Great Northern Expedition
Shanghai Massacre
Stalin comes to power
Lateran Treaties
Stock Market Crash
Manchuria Incident
FDR is president
Nazi Party Wins Election
Engleburt Dollfuss assassination
Long March
Abyssinian Crises
Hoare-Laval Pact
Anti Comintern Pact
Rome-Berlin Axis
Remilitarization of the Rhineland
Spanish Civil War starts
Evian Conference
Munich Conference
ABCD Encirclement
Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
US de Facto Embago of Oil
Pearl Harbor