October Manifesto
First revolutionary movement pushes czar Nicholas II to consider the possibility of creating a parliament (October Manifesto). -
Europe - Creation of CNT
Creation of the organization of workers in Spain. -
America - Mexican Revolution
Madero issued a "letter from jail," known as the Plan de San Luis Potosí, with its main slogan Sufragio Efectivo, No re-elección ("free suffrage and no re-election"). It declared the Díaz regime illegal and called for revolt against Díaz, starting on November 20. -
Europe - No more tension Franco-German
The Franco-German tension is reduced in Morocco -
America - Diaz resigned
Diaz resigned the presidency and Madero won the elections. Plan de Ayala proclaimed. -
America - Rebelions started
Rebellions started in the North. First Reyes and then Orozco. -
Europe - First Balkan War
First Balkan War : Bulgaria , Serbia and Greece against Turkey. -
America - Díaz and Reyes liberty
General Mondragón released Díaz and Reyes and marche on the National Palace. -
Europe - Coup d’etat of Young Turks in Turkey
America - Ford creation
Henry Ford introduces the assembly . -
America - Victoriano Huerta resigned
Period: to
Europe - World War 1
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo, -Home of the First World War. Battle of Tannenberg between the Germans and the Russians; German victory. -
Russia - The czar went to war.
The czar went to war against Germany, leaving his wife on charge and she trusted Rasputin on important decisions -
Europe - Germans invade Poland and Great Britain
Germans start submarine campaign to blockade British Isles -
America - Pact Torreon
Venustiano Carranza and Francisco Villa signed the pact Torreon -
America - New presidents in Mexico
En este periodo, los gobernantes fueron Eulalio Gutiérrez, Roque González y Francisco Lagos -
Europe - Easter Monday
The revolt of Easter Monday in Ireland. -
America - Constitution of Mexico
Enactment of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 by Venustiano Carranza -
Russia - Bolsheviks leader arrive from Europe
Bolshevik leaders arrived from Europe.
Trotsky was fundamental for the rise of the Red Army.
Red army toke over the government buildings and arresting the member of the provisional government.
Russia Civil War. Nicholas the second abdicates -
Period: to
Russia - Russia Civil War
Europe - USA in WW1
United States participates in the First World War -
America - CROM is created
Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM) -
Russia - No more Romanov
Execution of the Russian royal Romanov family . -
Europe - No more war
Ends the First World War. -
Period: to
America - Lots of cars
The number of cars was going up fast. -
Russia - Polish- Soviet War
The war was a result of the expansionist attempts by both sides : Poland sought to recover the lost territories in the late eighteenth century and the Soviets , those who had belonged to the Russian Empire before the First World War. -
Russia - Communist International
Communist International is created. -
America - Assassination of Emiliano Zapata.
Europe - Treaty of Versailles
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles . -
America - New president of Mexico
Alvaro Obregon takes the presidency -
Russia - Lenin
Lenin introduces New Economic Policy in Russia -
America - SEP
Creatinon of the SEP by José Vasconcelos -
Europe - Irish Free State founded
Russia - U.S.S.R.
U.S.S.R. is created with anti religious and censorship characteristics.
Lenin dies and Stalin emerges as the new leader. -
Period: to
Europe - Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain
Europe - First British Labour Party victory at a General Election
Europe - Vladimir lenin’s death
America - Bank of Mexico
Creation of the Bank of Mexico -
Locarno Agreements
Locarno Agreements between major European powers aim to maintain peace and stability -
Europe - Invention of the television
In Britain, John Logie Baird invents the television -
America - Cristero War begins
America - First nonstop transatlantic flight
Charles Lindbergh made the first nonstop transatlantic flight. -
Russia - Stalin launches five year plan to expand Soviet industry
Europe - Maginot Line
French began to build fortification, the Maginot Line, on German border -
America - Great Depression
Stock prices began to fall which lead on the Great Depression. -
Europe - Republic declared in Spain
Republic declared in Spain after King Alfonso XIII abdicates -
America - New Deal
Franklin Roosevelt was elected president and proposed the “New Deal” but by this time millions of people had lost their job and many were starving and homeless.