Black n white

Black&White/JOEY ROOT

  • black&white-flashback first robbery

    black&white-flashback first robbery
    Wannda Lang was the first person that they robbed.
  • black&white-micdonalds

    After the first robbery they went to eat some Micdonalds.
  • black&white-2nd robbery

    black&white-2nd robbery
    The second man they robbed was William Mathews.
  • black&white-whitecastle

    Between the second robbery and the thered they went to white castle.
  • Black&White-flashback

    Well in the story black and white a man by the name of sydney parker gets robbed by eddie and marcus. The man does get shot but not killed. :)- thered robbery
  • Black& white-flashback

    Black& white-flashback
    After they robbed Sydney Parker they went and bout new shoes.
  • black&white-symbolism

    marcuses jacket is a symbol.
    gave it to eddie for safety
  • black&white-level 2 questions

    black&white-level 2 questions
    Who do you like better eddie or marcus,and why?
  • black&white-level 3 question

    black&white-level 3 question
    When have you ever experienced racism?
  • black&white-marcus goes to prison

    black&white-marcus goes to prison
    After the robberies marcus gets cout
  • black&white-eddies scholorship

    black&white-eddies scholorship
    Durring the second half of the game eddie sees that marcus hasnt came out from the locker room. He goes to the locker room and marcus was being hand cuffed.......
    At the end of the game eddie takes the scholorship to st.johns