This was nice.. and needed.
Met with Sheila at Jukebox. It was supposed to be a moment for me to talk with someone I knew I could count on. It was very nice to speak to someone who is so positive-minded. I need more of this in my life. Participating in the trivia was an unexpected bonus and a lovely distraction. -
Non-Date Date
Another amazing night out. Started with a proper dinner (Italian) at Bruno's. After closing the place down, we went to Judd's (first time for me). Very cool place. Never was a stop at Lincoln Park Tavern to meet friend Lisa. Very funny woman. The three of us went to Lisa's to hang out until about 5AM 🤯.
Overall, an excellent Non-date Date. -
Cleats: Cavs v. Celtics
Second time here. Watching the Cavs game.
Is this a possible drive for... -
Bonus non-date
After my date with myself, I picked her up to get a treat at 27 Coffee shop. Sorry but sweet -
Sunday sailing
Meet up at Whiskey Island to meet new friends and set off on a sail boat. Amazing day! -
What is this amazing thing that is Happening
Tonight was the CIFF staff party. For the first time, I was able to introduce my friends to Sheila instead of the other way around. It was such an awesome feeling. The two of us went to Alea for an incredible dinner, then headed out to meet friends at Forest City Brewery, then ABC, and then closing out the evening at Old Angle.
PHEW!!! -
Our first movie. It was preceded by dinner at Stone Mad. -
The Parma Visit
I have the house to myself for the next week. A great opportunity for Sheila to come over for a visit before heading out to the Zoo for the Asian Lantern Festival. The night sure took a different directionthan first planned with an unplanned dinner at Sosa in the Flats and bumping into Jason. What an amazing night. So many great things keep happening and I am grateful beyond words. -
An Unplanned Sleepover
What was planned as a late night hangout after Sheila attended a friends wedding, quickly evolved into something we both have considered, desired, perhaps even (eventually) anticipated. Sheila hit a wall and instead of me taking her home, I brought her to my place. While she did pass out, the opportunity for the two of us to just lay together and cuddle was just ... WOW!
I do not recall feeling like this ever and look forward to being an equal part in this relationship -
24+ Hours in the CLE
WE certainly (for better or worse) outdid our selves today. Starting with the meetup at the Madison (wedding reception) and following the sleepover, we did the following:
-Brunch @Sips & Such
-A brief walk in Hingetown
-Post brunch @ Jukebox
-Pre-Reggae snack @McCarthys
-No Reggae, but Shooters instead + watched a storm come in
-Blue Agave snack and drink
-Pickwick follow up drink
-Lincoln Park Pub w/Lisa
-My friends bedtime snack
We clearly did not want the night to end. Its ok. More will come -
Dinner and a Sleep Over
This sleep over was planned. Made the world's best chicken paprikash, played some Scrabble, and had a lovely evening. Although I almost screwed it up. But it worked out. -
Another Sunday Funday Adventure
After playing chef at niece Tia's wedding shower (crepes), I made a last one just for Sheila, scooped her up, fought someone for parking and hung out at Taste of Tremont. First was Kaiser Gallery, La Cave, then Edisons, followed by Cloak and Dagger, and ending the night at LPP. The full Buck Moon guided our way home.
I may have said something stupid to a friend of hers that was not intended. Eeeek. -
Stardust Karaoke
Not the first time Sheila sang to me, but it is the first time we both sang to each other and together -
Cuddly in the Car
Oh, nothin'.
Just hanging out in the car for a couple of hours holding one another.
One of the most beautiful moments together thus far -
Sunday Food
Brunch at All Saints where Sheila left a note to me in the upper bathroom. Later money at Lago. -
Our first road trip. We went to Pittsburgh with Dani in support of his work in the Chad in Amsterdam book. First time seeing him in about 15 years.
Also it first place to eat outside of the Cuyahoga County. -
The Inches Challenge Begins
A friendly challenge between the two of us to be better versions of ourselves, be healthy, and be even happier. -
Asian Lantern at the Zoo
Friday Night fun time at the zoo. -
Friday the 13th Dinner
We'll start with dinner at Crumb & Spigot -
Bonus Sailing
12 mile bike ride, 10+ miles sailing, Havana Nights... Food... Dancing... walking...
Heaven. 💜 -
Chain Story Exercise
This was a fun exercise suggested by Sheila. Writing something unknown in a journal page, then I take over not knowing what she wrote... rinse... repeat. It really flowed nicely. -
It doesn't matter what we planned on this Sunday-Funday. We were clearly meant to spend the day together.
Later that night: Living dangerously on the edge, we are. I will, however, do my part. At least in not reciprocating the pleasure I am receiving... not directly, anyway.
It helps that we are sitting in the car with a little barricade between the two of us.
She just smells so good. She feels so good. Her breath is intoxicatingly addictive.
I just don't there to be many regrets. -
Dinner& Movie - but in an unplanned way
The first plan:
Hey something to eat and ride bikes to the Capital to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Revised: Walk to Proof (closed on Mon's) them walk to Capital.
Actual: discovered Cent's... AMAZING! Walked to theater & walked back.
We ordered the Cherry Pie (pepperoni, mint, ricotta, and cherries(?). One of, is not THE best pie ever had.
It was an another incredible day of unexpected wonderment and discovery and giddiness. -
Another Unexpected Path
Ever since this past Saturday, partial plans end up going in a separate and wonderful direction.
This was suppose to be a separate day. I got a massage, went thrifting, then dinner. Well heading home, I was talking with Sheila and the next thing I know I'm at Crust with her. It was a short visit, but a blessing nonetheless.
Even better was being in the presence of the Super Full Harvest Moon. -
Exercise Day... Not
Wednesday's are now supposed to be an exercise day.
What actually happen: bike ride to the marina for a early evening sail to see the summer and moonrise.
On the way home, we stopped at Jukebox for a nightcap and quality time continuing the knowing of each other.
A lovely, lovely, LOVELY evening. -
Shaker & Sushi
Another Day, another unplanned evening of hanging out.
Sheila happened to be working on the east side and I mentioned the next time this happens we should meet somewhere. This would work out because we almost always stay west.
So we met at the wonderfully blissful Shaker Lakes, went on a walk, sat and chatted for a while, the went to Pacific East for way to much sushi and not enough sake.
Yet again... A beautiful night -
Sunday Funday: Another
Another Sunday, another adventure.
Started at Jukebox (Browns Game) with a couple of cocktails and a snack. Then decided to walk wherever we went. This led to Bookhouse Brewery, Mulberry's for a beverage, Whiskey Island Marina for another drink, and the grassy knoll for dancing. Our last stop ended at Banana Blossom for an amazing dinner.
The conversation throughout the day was about affirming our intentions with each other and recognizing how amazing our lives will be together -
Another turn of events.
I visited after work for what was to be our weekly measurement. We walked to Happy Dog, had a drink, & shared a meal. Out of honest courtesy, I suggested the bathroom before leaving but said it too loud &deeply offended Sheila. We had a silent walk back to her place, &I was told she did not want to see me until after the divorce. She has valid reasons. I will respect & honor them. -
Double Whammy
First, I got a response text message from Sheila saying not to contact her until my side of the street is clean, then the attorney informed me that the upcoming meeting on 9/30 is for lawyers only. Plus, there is absolutely no way the D will be final. I am suddenly very sad -
Today is supposed to be our 6th month anniversary
This really hurts -
Can it get any worse?
The lawyer's meeting was today. I found out that there will be a zoom meeting in November (pre pre-trial), with a pretrial not scheduled until the middle FEBRUARY and a final trial at the end.
What am I supposed to do? Sheila said not to contact her until this is over. So I have to wait six months before I can even contact her??? -
I never knew I could feel this low
It will be fine. I know it will work out. I always works out. -
Aaaaaand... Just like that (1)
I received a text from Sheila (12:54 PM): "Hi 🌻...this is really difficult for me. I just want to let you know I miss you and I wish you peace."
We texted back and forth for a couple of hours until she met with Justine, who passed on my D update "FEBRUARY!!!!"
I was then invited to come with her someplace TBD at 7pm. This changed to the Parkview at around 5.
I arrived, waited outside a bit... I was so nervous... and eventually walked in with a pretty stoic expression on my face. -
Aaaaaand... Just like that (2)
Then I saw her face. HOLY FUCK BALLS!!! Sheila was gleaming. This amazing glow with an equally bright and shiny smile. I melted. I felt a massive weight lift off of me. Sheila explained, "HEYYYYY" and spread out her arms for the biggest hug and I felt her energy penetrate me lighting all of the dark recesses that had formed in the past two weeks.
That night we talked, worked out what the issues were, why they occurred, and how to overcome them w/o crossing the boundaries we set for ourselves. -
Period: to
38 Days and Counting
115 days have passed since that life-changing moment when I walked into PV and had Stardust blow away the demons attempting to pry their way into my soul. 115 days have passed, and we have spent time together on countless adventures each day, if even for a moment. 115 days of establishing a sound foundation for our path forward together. We are going to have an amazing life together. -
Giolli & Assia Concert: Detroit (St. Andrew Hall)
Our first concert, on our first road trip, and included our first hotel stay.
It was an AMAZING concert. Much better live than in the recordings. -
Period: to
What started as a planned day trip to Detroit to see a show turned into an overnight stay. But then it turned into four-day (Friday through Monday) staycation type extravaganza with nobody but ourselves. First Detroit (and Monroe), then Put-In-Bay, and then the rest of the holiday at Sheila's apartment. I was invited to sleep over for two nights. no boundaries were crossed.
Leading up to this was seeing each other every night since Monday 10/7. -
Make Out 1
A lingering question about how we might connect on a physical level has lingered for several months. We had already decided that I would be sleeping over this night. While out and about, and after some "social lubrication," Sheila asked if we could make out later that night. Of course, I said yes.
DAMN, that was hot. WOW! Any reservations either of us had were nearly eliminated. I say nearly because, well, lets just say this was probably, maybe, kinda only 2nd base. Pretty close to 3rd. -
Make Out 2
This time I asked. It was not going to be the 1+ hour-long one from the night before. For one, we were kinda sleepy. But our bodies and desires took over and it lasted and contained more than just a little make-out session. While shorter than the night before, it was still about 45 minutes' worth of passion.
My mind is racing right now as I recall my feelings. I cannot put into words how amazing this is. I will only state how beautiful being with her is. -
Almost: I love you
Crazy night.
No doubt due to the wine and the machine-bought smoke and the other smoke. Talk about social lubrication!
It was such a fun & amazing night. I don't recall ever laughing so much for so long with one person, ever.
On our way back to her place (and after dropping off Justine), I heard the words. A whisper. Then again... and again... and slightly louder... she said what I already knew and felt.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I responded to each of her words: I love you, too! -
:D - Great Northern Mall
In the age of consumerism, it was bound to happen, eventually... maybe. We just had our first shopping mall visit together. -
The Costume in the Costume
On our way to mess with people's heads -
Period: to
Another Extended Sleepover
File under "Still too good to be true"
Making dinner on Monday night with pure love (macaroni and cheese) was an amazing experience... inside and out. -
AMA...ZING!!! 1113
Love is born.
Today we acknowledged... soberly... that this is real. And, while there is still a small barrier that is diminishing every day, it still exists and we both will respect that boundary until the door is shut forever. Until that day comes, I know that I am in love. I truly did not know if I could ever feel this way with someone after what happened. Not only has it happened, it is the most Ama-Zing feeling I have ever felt with anyone. I say Ever!!!
E V E R !!! -
Ama... Zing!!! Dinner and Dessert and LOR
For the first time in easily 12 years (that I can recall), I came "home" and was welcomed to the most awesome of dinners. Definitely made with love. 🥰
Grilled sourdough bread w/ charred Mortadella, fresh spinach chiffonade, smoked gouda, and the most beautiful egg.
For dessert: sliced apples cooked in Irish butter, cinnamon, and Vermont maple syrup. Served in a chilled bowl w/ natural vanilla ice cream, crushed pecans, and a light dusting of cayenne pepper.
Soooo fucking good.
THE BEST 🫶🏽🐐 -
Seen at EJ Thomas Hall -
The Holiday Party - Friends Version
Not a coming out by any means, but it was together. And it was a lovely time. I can only recall one party that just happened to be around the holidays, but it wasn't a holiday party. So this was a first (non-family party) for me personally, too.
Justine's most excellent party was a fun time with some cool people and awesome food. Oh, and we won Best Side Dish!!!
The best part... lots of dancing with the beautiful Sheila. Followed by not feeling I need to be connected by the hip with anyone. -
The First Professional Holiday Party
Not only was it our first professional party together, it was my first one ever. Plus, some BIG news leaked by Sheila's likely new employer. Specifically, the president of Brewer-Garret. She is being offered a permanent position!!!
It was a beautiful night