2020 jpeg

2020 Timeline

By frisbee
  • Political tensions between the U.S. and Iran increase

    Political tensions between the U.S. and Iran increase
    On January 3, tensions between the US and Iran increased after Qasem Soleimani, a military leader in Iran, was killed during an airstrike.
  • Coronavirus begins to surface in the U.S.

    Coronavirus begins to surface in the U.S.
    On February 8, the first American citizen died of the coronavirus in Wuhan. The death was announced hours after two flights evacuated US citizens from Wuhan.
  • First sign of Olympics being postponed

    First sign of Olympics being postponed
    As of March 22, Tokyo claims the 2020 Olympics will still continue as planned; however, both Australia and Canada announced they will not send athletes unless the Olympics are postponed.
  • Election in South Korea

    Election in South Korea
    On April 15, despite the coronavirus outbreak, various South Koreans headed to the polls wearing masks and gloves. Millions of citizens are voting in the parliamentary election for the 300 members of the National Assembly. (CNN)
  • Murder hornets first sighted in the US

    Murder hornets first sighted in the US
    On May 4, a highly venomous and invasive hornet species, dubbed “Murder Hornets,” have been spotted in the US. The hornets originated in Asia, but have now been spotted in Washington state.
  • Beijing has a second lockdown

    Beijing has a second lockdown
    On June 13, an area in Beijing was put under strict lockdown after another coronavirus outbreak. This outbreak is the first in 50 days. Of 517 people tested after attending a wholesale market, 45 people tested positive for coronavirus.
  • UK suspends extradition law with Hong Kong

    UK suspends extradition law with Hong Kong
    On July 20, the UK announced that it will suspend the extradition treaty with Hong Kong due to the controversial security law that was passed next month.
  • King of Spain resigns

    King of Spain resigns
    On August 3, Juan Carlos, the former king of Spain, left the country after much scrutiny about financial mishandlings. Carlos is best known for steering the country from dictatorship to democracy.
  • BLM Protests enter their 100th night

    BLM Protests enter their 100th night
    On September 6, at least 50 demonstrators were arrested in Portland, as the city entered its 100th consecutive night of protests.
  • Israel and Sudan reach an agreement

    Israel and Sudan reach an agreement
    On October 23, President Trump announced that Sudan and Israel have agreed to normalize relations. The agreement is designed to end the turbulent relations between the two countries.
  • Bolivia elects a new president

    Bolivia elects a new president
    On November 8, Luis Arce was inaugurated as the president of Bolivia. Former President Evo Morales was ousted last year amid angry protests. The inauguration of Arce brings power back to the socialists. (CNN)
  • Electoral college formally confirms Biden's success

    Electoral college formally confirms Biden's success
    On December 14, the electoral college officially affirmed Joe Biden’s win after gathering to submit their ballots. Despite this ruling, many Republicans are still claiming fraud, and the election battle appears to be far from over.