2020-2021 Technology Inventions/Advencements

  • Pico Interactive Neo 2 Eye VR Headset

    The Pico Interactive Neo 2 Eye VR Headset is a Augmented Reality Headset created by Henry Zhou, it is the next generation of gaming where the user/wearer can get feel immersed in the game with being able to physically interact with the in-game object.
  • Owl Labs Meeting Owl

    The Owl Labs Meeting Owl Pro is a 360 degree video camera used as a camera to meet with people over the internet/online being sold at $799 or $999 depending on if you want the pro version or the regular version.. The inventor of the camera is Max Makeev and Mark Schnittman.
  • Yale Smart Delivery Box

    The Yale Smart Delivery Box is a home delivery safe-area created by Kingsley Park, it was made so that the consumers packages can be stored in the sturdy plastic box and not stolen by "porch pirates" with an automatic lock feature that is connected to WIFI for the user to manually unlock and lock the box that can also be weighed down to prevent the box from being taken.
  • Iphone 12

    The iPhone 12 is a cellular device that is the newest version of the iPhone for Apple being priced at around $729 - $1099 depending on what type of phone you buy. The company that created the phone is Apple.
  • Vans Robotics ABii

    The Vans Robotics ABii is a personal tutor/personal assistant created in 2020 with the goal of helping students to preform better in school and increase academic performance all around schools. The inventor is Laura Boccanfuso.
  • Solar Water Solutions Adaptive Nozzle Valve System

    The Solar Water Solutions Adaptive Nozzle Valve System is a technology that purifies water by leveraging the sun’s renewable energy. It’s now generating clean water for up to 10,000 people every day. The creator is unknow.
  • SpaceX Falcon 9

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Crew 3 launches to the International Space Station on Expedition 66.The company in charge of the rocket and the launching of it is Nasa.