3500 BCE
Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia invents writing
They invented it in 3500 BC and the writing system was called Cuneiform.
https://www.ancient.eu/cuneiform/ -
2700 BCE
West Africa - Oral Traditions
In west Africa, story tellers record, preserve, and interpret historical events and pass them down generation to generation.
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53cfd0e5e4b057663ea1bc61/t/57b1e0b746c3c406dd172afd/1471275383444/Oral+Traditions+of+West+Africa.pdf -
2184 BCE
Egypt - Pharaoh Netjerkare
The pharaoh during 2184 - 2181 BC, he was the last ruler of the Old Kingdom of Egypt
https://www.ancient.eu/timeline/pharaoh/ -
2100 BCE
Ur of Chaldees - God makes a Covenant with Abram
This happened when Abraham was in Ur of Chaldees, God promised that he would be the father of many and God would protect them.
http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/e1.htm -
2070 BCE
Sodom and Gomorrah - Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in 2070 BC.
https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/in-what-years-were-sodom-and-gomorrah-destroyed/ -
2000 BCE
Valley of Shaveh - God Renews Covenant
God renews the covenant with Abraham because Abraham was getting impatient and losing hope.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+14&version=NIV -
Period: 2000 BCE to 400 BCE
Ancient Middle East: The Events of the Old Testament
When the events of the old testament occur. Starting with Abraham in 2000 BC and ended with Malachi the prophet in 400 BC.
https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/oldtestament/context/ -
1947 BCE
Canaan - Birth of Ishmael
Ishmael is the son of Abraham through Hagar, was born in Canaan during 1947 BC.
http://www.biblicalcalendarproof.com/Timeline/IshmaelBirth -
1876 BCE
Mount Moriah - Abraham almost Sacrifices Isaac
In Genesis 22:16-17, God promises to allow Abraham's descendants to be numerous because he listened to God. By allowing Isaac to live, God is making sure that the family line of Abraham continues, leading to Joseph and Jesus. Thus the covenant made between them is fulfilled. God wants to reflect his glory on the earth and the person who did that the most was Jesus because the Son of Christ was perfect and died for our sins. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+22&version=NIV -
1850 BCE
Near East - Invention of Hebrew Alphabet
The early Hebrew alphabet existed between 20th century BC and 12th century BC. It was used in countries in the east and the oldest inscriptions are found in southern Egypt. Semitic scripts are written from right to left and used to be pictographic.
http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/alphabet_history.html -
Period: 1836 BCE to 1689 BCE
Middle East - Jacob's life
Jacob was born to Isaac and Rebekah and had 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel. https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/jacob/ -
1765 BCE
Egypt-Joseph is sold into Slavery
Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt because his brothers were jealous of him.
https://www.thoughtco.com/who-was-potiphar-in-the-bible-363356 -
Period: 1765 BCE to 1760 BCE
Egypt - Joseph works for Potiphar
Joseph became the household manager for Potiphar while he was a slave. https://goodshepardsundayclass.weebly.com/week-13.html -
1758 BCE
Jacob Typology Part 1
In Genesis 27, Jacob tricks his father into believing that he was Esau so that he would get the blessing. This connects to when the Pharisees were trying to trick Jesus into saying something against the law of God in Mark. The connection is that trickery is common with humans because sinning is natural. Jacob eventually becomes Israel, meaning dependant with God and the Pharisees also were amazed by Jesus and accepted him.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+27&version=NIV -
Period: 1758 BCE to 1753 BCE
Egypt - Joseph is back in Prison
Potiphar threw Joseph in jail because he suspected Joseph seduced his wife. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/bible-stories/2/joseph-in-prison/ -
1752 BCE
Egypt - Joseph becomes 2nd in Command of Egypt
The Pharoah liked Joseph because he saved Egypt from the famine, thus he became second in command. https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/philosophy-and-religion/biblical-proper-names-biographies/joseph -
1450 BCE
Wilderness - Writing of Genesis
Scholars believe that Moses wrote Genesis while the people of Israel were roaming the desert for forty years. They believe that this was during 1450 BC to 1410 BC. Abraham was born around 2166 and it was historical narratives, poetry, and genealogy.
https://www.allaboutcreation.org/when-was-genesis-written-faq.htm -
1234 BCE
Babylon: Babylon Taken by Assyrians
Period: 4 BCE to 100
Ancient Roman Empire: When the New Testament Occured
It started in 4 BC with Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and throughout the New Testament, the stories were around the Middle East. It ended with the book of Revelations written by John in Asia Minor around 100 AD. -
Jacob Typology 2
In Mark 12:13-43, many people were trying to catch Jesus in a lie. It connects to the old testament because Jesus is a descendant of Jacob however, unlike Jacob, Jesus was good from the start. Even when Jesus was tested, he stayed strong and this shows how Jesus is the true son of God. Jesus is the hero in the story of the Bible and we are given examples in the old testament to highlight the difference between Jesus and us humans.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mark+12&version=NIV -
Golgotha - Approximate crucifixion of Jesus
Jesus was crucified by the Romans in Golgotha around 33 AD.
https://www.biblicalfoundations.org/when-was-jesus-born-and-when-did-he-die/ -
Antioch-Pauls First Missionary Journey
His first missionary journey started in Antioch at 44 AD and lasted until 46 AD.
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/pauls-first-journey-map.html -
Antioch-Pauls Second Missionary Journey
Paul's secondary missionary journey started in Antioch at around 49 AD
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-second-missionary-journey-map.html -
Egypt-The Kingdom of Axum
The Kingdom of Axum rises in current day Ethiopia in 50 AD.
http://www.localhistories.org/aftime.html -
Antioch-Pauls Third Missionary Journey
Pauls third missionary journey started in Antioch around 52 AD in the autumn.
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-third-missionary-journey-map.html -
Hong Kong, My Birthday
When an angel was born. -
Hong Kong - Personal Story
In Genesis 37, Joseph's brothers were jealous because of a dream . So, the brothers sold him to slavery. I experienced sibling rivalry but not as extreme. My parents focused more on my brother so they compensated lack of attention with gifts. I was jealous of the attention my brother got. However, after growing closer to God I realized that jealousy is a bad thing just like how the brothers realized that too. This story spoke to me and it made me realize God made this happen so we can relate. -
Hong Kong-The Year I Started At ICS
I started at ICS halfway through the school year in 2018. -
West Bank Israel - God's covenant fulfilled in modern day
In Genesis 17:7-8, God says that the land of Canaan will be in the possession of Abraham's descendants. In the West Bank, we see that the Israeli forces are in control of it, however, they are using violence to maintain possession of the territory. Abraham's descendants are in control of the promised land, thus the covenant is fulfilled between Abraham and God.