First Case of 2019 n-Cov detected
China has alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) of several flu-like/viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan. -
Wuhan seafood market identified as outbreak source
Pathogen identified as coronavirus 2019n-CoV
Chinese authorities have identified the pathogen as a family of viruses called Coronavirus, which is a family of viruses including the common cold, SARS and MERS. This new virus is temporarily named as 2019-nCoV. -
First case confirmed out of China
The coronavirus has spread beyond China. Thailand reporting the first case of a Coronavirus from a Chinese woman returning from a visit from Wuhan, who was initially diagnosed with flu-like symptoms. -
Coronavirus genome gets released
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has analyzed 2019-nCoV and released the genome sequence to the world. The 2019-nCoV is associated to the SARS-CoV group. -
China announces first death
A 61-year-old man, who as been hospitalized on December 27 with suspected fever, dies from the 2019-nCov in Wuhan. -
US scientists work on vaccine
According to the CNN, The NIH has started on developing a vaccine for the 2019-nCov. However, it would take months for the vaccine to advance into clinical trials and more than one year until it is available. -
WHO postpones announcement of international health emergency
Over 500 people have been infected and 17 deaths caused by the virus as been recorded.WHO officials meet in Geneva to discuss the declaration of the 2019-nCov as an international health emergency and decide to hold on. -
China quarantines Wuhan
This is the first time ever in history, where a whole city has been quarantined. More than 11 million people have been contained in the city of Wuhan. -
First cases of domestic transmission out of China
Japan, Taiwan, and Germany confirm their first cases of domestic transmission of the 2019-nCov. -
WHO declares global emergency
The death toll from the virus has reaches 213 and confirmed cases increases to 9,776. The UK confirms first cases. WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak as a global emergency. -
First death of coronavirus patient outside China
The death toll of the coronavirus reaches 305 and the first death from the virus outside of China has been recorded in the Philippines. -
Deaths caused by the virus reach 492; ten cases confirmed on Japanese cruise
After temperatures screening passengers on a cruise ship (Diamond Princess) Japan confirms ten positive cases. The patients include three Japanese, two Australians, three from Hong Kong, one from the US and a Filipino crewmember. The cruise ship is put under quarantine. -
Chinese whistleblower doctor dies from the Coronavirus
The death toll from the coronavirus hits 638, with 31,428 confirmed cases. The Chinese doctor, named Li Wenliang, who had tried to publish an early warning about the coronavirus outbreak, dies from the 2019-nCov while working at a Wuhan hospital. -
Death toll surpass 800
The number of lives claimed by the virus reaches 813 globally, overtaking the death toll of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic, which claimed 774 lives. -
Pangolins suspected as source of coronavirus 2019-nCoV
WHO names the new coronavirus disease
WHO officially names the new coronavirus disease as Covid-19. "Co" standing for corona and "vid" standing for virus. -
Death toll surpasses 1,000; recoveries rise
Deaths toll reaches 1,115, however, the proportion of recovered patients in China increases to 8.2% from 1.3% -
Case definition for Covid-19 is modified
A surge of 254 deaths and 1,369 is announced after the new case definition. -
Vir Biotechnology discovers two antibodies against new coronavirus
A US based biotech company named Vir Biotechnology claims that they have identified two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that can bind to the 2019-nCov. -
France reports first covid-19 death
Malaysia and Thailand report new cases. Death also toll rises to 1,383 -
New recoveries exceed new infections
Despite the death toll surpassing 2,000, today had more recoveries than infections -
Ukraine protesters attack China evacuee buses
evacuees were attacked while being transported to a hospital in Novi Sanzhary. All evacuees tested negative during official screening. -
Italy reports first death
Italy reports first death due to coronavirus of 78 year old man. The country has also reported 16 additional cases, bringing the total to 20. -
Italy records exponential surge in case number
The number of infections in Italy have surged to 79, representing nearly four times growth from the last count of 20. -
Algeria reports first case
Algeria becomes the second African country with confirmed cases -
Japanese woman tests positive for second time
A Japanese woman from Osaka has tested positive for the coronavirus for the second time. This shows that people may not be immune after recovery from the coronavirus. -
Total cases cross 1,000 in Italy
Wuhan closes one Covid-19 hospital
Cases in Wuhan start to stabilize and one of the hospitals in Wuhan close. -
South Korea reports 600 new cases
The KCDC reports an additional 600 cases in the country, taking the total to 4,812. It also reports six new deaths. -
Poland, Gibraltar, Hungary report first cases
The death toll due to Covid-19 has increased to more than 3,200, as of the end of 4 March. -
Italy tightens lockdown
Italy has tightened its nationwide lockdown to include shutting of bars, hairdressers and restaurants. The number of cases on the country have raised to 12,462 and death toll increased to 827. -
WHO announces the coronavirus as pandemic; Sweden, Greece announce first death
Situation in Europe worsen. Italy deaths cross 1,000. -
US implements more measures to contain spread
As cases in US increase, US states implement more measures to contain the spread of coronavirus. Some states, such as Seattle and Ohio, have even closed schools. Hospitals across the country are setting up tents to cater to the increasing inflow of patients. In Hawaii, urgent care clinics are offering drive-through testing. -
Europe now epicentre of outbreak, says WHO!
The continent is now reporting more cases and deaths compared to the remaining global regions, except China -
UK suggests to isolate elderly people
As total number of cases in the UK neared 1,400. The UK government plans to isolate people aged above 70 and those at higher risk for four months to fight the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, complete families will be asked to self-isolate even if one person falls sick. -
WHO calls for increased testing
The World Health Organization asked all countries to increase testing in an effort to slow down the pandemic. The death toll increased to more than 7,100 globally in 155 countries. -
Italy’s death toll crosses China’s
The death toll in Italy stands at 3,405, surpassing the number of deaths in China which stands at 3,252. -
China’s Wuhan reports no new cases
Hubei province, where coronavirus is said to begin, registered no new cases for the third day in a row. -
China tightens travel policy and closes boarders
the country’s borders are closed to almost all foreigners and only about 20 international flights can land in its soil each day. -
Japan reports more than 130 cases in Tokyo
This brought the number of cases in the capital above 1,000 -
Japan declares state of emergency
A nationwide state of emergency has been declared in Japan due to the country’s spike in coronavirus cases. Japan hopes regional governments to urge people to stay inside enforcing without punitive measures or legal force. -
Wuhan began allowing people to leave the city
China reopens Wuhan and now allows people to leave since the city was put into quarantine 76 days ago. -
known infections worldwide surpass two million
The International Monetary Fund expect the global economy to shrink by three percent this year - the biggest contraction since the Great Depression. -
Turkey surpassed Iran for the most infections in the Middle East
Total confirmed cases in Turkey rises to 86,306. -
The confirmed number of coronavirus-related deaths worldwide surpass 200,000
WHO also warns against countries issuing so-called "immunity passports" to those who have recovered from COVID-19, as their is no scientific proof that those who have already contracted the virus will gain immunity. -
Wuhan reports no remaining cases of infection in its hospitals
Wuhan, the city where the pandemic began and for a while had the largest case number, announced that there are no remaining cases of infection in its hospitals and all patients have been discharged. -
Cases in US surpass 1 million
Cases in US surpass 1 million which is roughly accounting for a third of the cases worldwide. -
UK reports highest official COVID-19 death toll in Europe
Several celebrities in UK ave been infected and more than 30,000 people are recorded dead in UK. -
Pence staff member tests positive for coronavirus
Situation in New York continues to worsen as New York Maintains the state with highest case numbers.