2019 Jasmine Lai ICS FoF

  • 3200 BCE

    Mesopotamia, Invention of Writing

    Below is the date of when writing was invented Sources: utexas.edu, ancient.eu
  • 2144 BCE

    Mesopotamia, King Gudea

    Discovery of King Gudea's statue, whose rule started in 2144 BCE Source: metmuseum.org
  • 2091 BCE

    Israel, Abrahamic Covanent

    The date where God made his promise with Abraham Sources: cmdeaf.org, aboutbibleprophecy.com
  • 2081 BCE

    Sodom, God Renews His Covenant With Abraham

    God renews covenant with Abram Source: biblegateway.com
  • 2054 BCE

    Mount Moriah, Abraham Almost Sacrificing Isaac

    Through how Abraham almost sacrificed his firstborn son to God, it shows how strong his faith to Him was. The first connections I made was that it symbolized how God would send his firstborn son as a sacrifice for us, allowing all of us today to have eternal life. Another connection made is that God shows how much faith he expects from us. Through laying down things we love for him, he is teaching us how to love him, and ultimately fulfill his wish of having us praise him and spread his glory.
  • Period: 2006 BCE to 1859 BCE

    Canaan, Life of Jacob

    Below is the timespan of Jacob's life Source: amazingbibletimeline.com, biblehub.com
  • 2000 BCE

    Sodom/Gomarrah, Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed

    Below is the date where Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed Source: neverthirsty.org
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 440 BCE

    Middle East and North East Africa, The Old Testament

    Starting from Abraham and ending when Jesus was born, the Old Testament timespan is written below Sources: compellingtruth.org, biblestudy.org, matthewmcgee.org
  • 1900 BCE

    Assyria, Assyria Rises to Power

    Assyria rose to power in Mesopotamia
  • 1898 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph Sold Into Slavery

    Joseph was sold into slavery Source: biblehub.com
  • Period: 1898 BCE to 1889 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph Walks For Potiphar

    Joseph starts working for Potiphar Source: biblehub.com
  • 1889 BCE

    Joseph Typology Part 1

    In Genesis 39:17-18, Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her. Joseph refused and left her but she grabbed his cloak. From there, the wife spread false accusations about how Joseph wanted to sleep with her but she screamed, making him run away, leaving his cloak behind. In Luke 3:14, it was commanded that people should not accuse anyone falsely. As Potiphar's wife spread a false story to her husband, it resulted in Joseph being punished. From Luke, we can see that her actions were wrong.
  • Period: 1889 BCE to 1886 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph Back In Prison

    Joseph is thrown back into prison. Source: biblehub.com
  • 1886 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph Becomes Second In Command

    Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh's dream and becomes second in command Source: biblehub.com
  • 1850 BCE

    East Mediterranean, Invention of the Hebrew Alphabet

    First known as Semitic scripts (Aleph Bet), pictographic, written from right to left, no punctuation and different grammar rules, and no verses in the Bible Source: haaretz.com
  • 1842 BCE

    Canaan, Ishmael's Birth

    Date of the birth of Ishmael Sources: thebiblejourney.org, amazingbibletimeline.com
  • 1750 BCE

    Babylon, Code of Hammurabi was Written

    The Code of the Hammurabi, one of the earliest legal codes, was written in the year of 1750 BC. Source: history.com, livescience.com, ushistory.org
  • 1445 BCE

    Israel, First Writing of Genesis

    Believed to be written by Moses, chapter 1-11 are impossible to date, 2 historical narratives and several passages of poetry and some genealogy Themes include creation, fall, blood, Babel, death, flood, covenant, providence Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Source: bigthink.com
  • Period: 4 BCE to 98

    Roman Empire, The New Testament

    Starting from Jesus' birth and ending with the writing of Revelation by John the Apostle, The New Testament timespan is listed below. Source: esv.org, biblestudy.org, bible-history.com
  • 20

    Petra, The Construction of the Khaznat al-Fir'awn

    The Khaznat al-Fir'awn was created around 9BC-20AD Source: oxfordartonline.com
  • 26

    Joseph Typology Part 2

    In Luke 3:14, John the Baptist was talking to a crowd and was preaching when some soldiers asked him how to live. John replied that they should not take money forcefully and accuse people falsely. This can be connected to the story of Potiphar's wife, where she wanted to sleep with Joseph, and when he refused, spread a false rumor about him. The verse clearly was against accusing people falsely, which includes spreading a false story about someone, which shows that Potiphar's wife was sinning.
  • 33

    Golgotha, Jesus' Crucifixion

    Sources have narrowed the date of Jesus' death to approximately 3:00 pm, April 3rd, 33 AD. Source: biblicalfoundations.org, ncregister
  • 47

    Antioch, Paul's First Missionary Journey

    Paul traveled from Antioch to Cyprus, Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe biblystudy.org, christianityinview.com, blueletterbible.org
  • 49

    Antioch, Paul's Second Missionary Journey

    Paul travelled from Antioch to Cilia, Lycaonia, and Galatia during his second missionary journey. Source: christianityinview.com, blueletterbible.org
  • 53

    Antioch, Paul's Third Missionary Journey

    Paul traveled from Antioch to Galatia, Phrygia, and Ephesus. Sources: blueletterbible.org
  • Hong Kong, Jasmine's Birthday

    I was born! Source: my parents
  • Hong Kong, First Year in ICS

    The first year I started in ICS's date is listed below (R2)
  • Canaan/World, God's Covenant with Abraham Fulfilled Today

    In Genesis 15-17, we could read about the promises made to Abraham, and we can see them fulfilled today. A promise God made was to give him the Promised Land. Sure enough, that land was occupied by the Israelites and Joshua (descendant of Abraham). Another was that the Lord promised him offspring and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. The Bible has called Jesus a descendant of Abraham, therefore fulfilling that promise, as everyone is spiritually the seed of Christ.
  • Hong Kong, Personal Reflection

    In Genesis 18:12 it says that Sarah laughed to herself when she heard that she would give birth to a child. She didn't believe in it and had already given up all hope. I can see this in my own life as I often times doubt God's plan and I act rashly without thinking of my consequences. Especially this year, I couldn't really hear what God was saying to me and I wasn't sure about my faith. When people say that He loves us, sometimes I find it hard to believe. I hope to grow in him as Sarah did.